About Unyielding Vigor

The reason Unyielding Vigor exists is simple:

We’re here to help men transform into true

PEAK MALES. Focused, confident and energized

men who blast through obstacles and come

out ahead in today’s modern world.

After years of cutting-edge research and

personally helping hundreds of men transform,

Brenden Henry and Thomas Muldoon, two

elite biohackers have come together

to officially share our secrets.

There’s almost no-one else on the planet that

covers masculine optimization with the same

depth, range, thoroughness and cutting-edge

effectiveness that we do.

There are a lot of reasons men are

suffering through what we're calling the

"Modern masculinity meltdown."

But we want to show you the TRUTH about

what's possible. And we want you to benefit

from everything we’re discovering, everything

we're using for ourselves and everything we're

providing for our clients right NOW.

We provide scientifically proven,

cutting-edge methods (which you WON’T find

from typical Google searches, typical influencers

or anywhere with ChatGPT)

to maximize your testosterone, optimize your

dopamine levels and boost your masculine

vigor as safely and effectively as possible.

All delivered through our books, articles,

courses and personalized coaching.

Because at the end of the day…

We’re here to help you win.

How Did Unyielding Vigor Get Started?

I recall watching the original YouTube

fitness gurus from 10 years ago...

Guys like Scooby1961, Mike Chang (Six Pack Shortcuts),

Lee Hayward, and Vince DelMonte.

These guys were legends in their own right.

Each of them genuinely wanted to help others.

But as I watch the current “fitness” industry…

I’m met with a feeling of sadness and frustration.

Because it’s devolved into a flood of poor,

even dangerous misinformation.

Content that puts men at risk of either wasting

your money, or damaging your vital organs.

I know in a time when men need more help

than ever, we are facing a serious threat.

With testosterone levels decreasing

at a rate of approximately 1% per year,

and the constant barrage of demands in

today's world overwhelming our brains…

Men are not only getting weaker, but also

more demotivated and more distracted.

Which is why for the last two years I’ve spent over 10

hours every single day absorbed in scientific research.

I joined all of the most cutting edge cognitive enhancement,

performance enhancement and lifestyle groups I could find.

I even directly invested in an innovative company

at the forefront of cognitive performance research.

I spent my days surrounded by these types of people.

During my journey I discovered that it wasn’t just me

who was passionate in the male improvement scene.

This was where I met TM.

He is now not only my business partner, but one

of my best friends. TM was on a similar path to me with

years of research. But he specializes in male hormones

and male aesthetics.

So we decided to partner together, combining all our knowledge

to put together everything we can for you with Unyielding Vigor.

Due to my engineering background, my ability to pay

close attention to detail, and my ability to form connections

across multiple scientific fields, I have a unique superpower.

I wanted to find all of the best ways to enhance

the resilience of men so we can face the

demands of today's world.

NOT in the same old ways that have been done before…

But in a truly effective, holistic approach that’s lightyears

ahead of anything else we’ve come across.

And we’re so excited for you to experience the difference it makes

in skyrocketing your testosterone levels, optimizing your dopamine

and maximizing your masculine vigor!

Brenden's 3x bodyweight deadlift and more

"Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits" -UV