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Cartalax: Russia's "Superhuman Cartilage and Bone Peptide

May 18, 20246 min read

Cartalax: Russia's "Superhuman" Cartilage and Bone Peptide

For a video overview of cartalax-

Brenden Henry here and do you have joint pain? Well, you're in the right place because today we're divng into cartalax. If you're new here, I'm Brenden Henry, the world's leading expert in peptide science. I've got a reputation for the most scientifically accurate pinealon video and article on the internet, proven with over 100 citations. So Cartalax is a tripeptide with the sequence ala-glu-asp, which was found in cartilage and bone, and its freaking amazing. Now, if you're familiar with sigumir, the cytomax equivalent, you'll be thrilled to know that cartalax is just as effective in treating osteoarthritis of the knee and spine in human trials. 

There was a human trial that took place directly at the Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, guided by Professor Khavinson. It included men and women with osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee and spine, and some women with osteoporosis. The patients were middle-aged to elderly, and they were given СARTALAХ® for 30-45 days depending on the severity of their disease.

What I love about this study is that they didn't just rely on X-ray imaging but also did blood analysis and gathered data on patients' complaints and pain perception. Restoring cartilage is cool, but ultimately, reducing pain is what people care about, right? I mean, who cares if the cartilage regenerates 100% if you're still in pain and can't move?

The study showed that СARTALAХ® was able to decrease pain and improve joint mobility in 68% of the patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and in 53% of the patients with spinal osteochondrosis. There were some imaging changes too, showing improvements in cartilage, and it also helped with osteoporosis symptoms.


The dose for cartalax that was used here is a bit higher than some of the other khavinson peptides. They used 2-3 capsules 2-3 times a day.

But how did it lead to these improvements? 

Well, our cartilage and extracellular matrix are made up of chondrocyte cells, which produce collagen fibers, proteoglycans, and they regulate the water content in the extracellular matrix which helps our joints absorb shock. We also have chondroprogenitor cells, a type of mesenchymal stem cell, that can transform into chondrocytes to help restore cartilage. And where cartilage meets bone, we have osteoblasts that help form bone. Maintaining the balance between cartilage and bone is important to avoid conditions like osteoarthritis.

Joint pain often stems from inflammation rather than a complete loss of cartilage. When degenerative processes kick in, they cause inflammatory responses which lead to 2 things. 1. joint swelling which can put pressure on the nerve root and 2. these inflammatory cytokines can have a direct sensitizing effect on the nerve. If you have watched my Pinealon video, you will recall that I had herniated two discs earlier this year, at L4-L5 and L5-S1. I was experiencing pain, but this pain was almost entirely nerve pain. How do I know this? Because the pain went away after I dosed Pinealon. What happened was the nerves were just being overly sensitized by those inflammatory cytokines I mentioned. When those factors were inhibited by the gene transcription factors that pinealon activated, the nerve was no longer sensitive.

But back to cartalax. To tackle joint pain and degeneration, we need to stimulate chondroprogenitor cells to become chondrocytes, regenerate cartilage, prevent cartilage breakdown, and reduce inflammation. Cartalax excels in these areas. In human trials, it improved osteoarthritis in the knee and spine by promoting cartilage regeneration and reducing pain.

Cartalax was shown to upregulates CD98hc which is a cell surface protein that promotes amino acid uptake such as luecine which enhances mTOR activation. This could be the mechanism by which cartalax was shown to significantly increase IGF1, but there could be more to it than that.  The important thing to note is that Cartalax was the best khavinson peptide tested for increasing IGF1. And this promotes tissue repair by increasing collagen and elastin, through boosting cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. It also enhances blood vessel formation. This is important because it has been shown that when oxygen availability to the discs are increased, their degeneration processes are reduced. The increased mtor and igf1 can also help support musculoskeletal strength.

Why not just use IGF-1

You might wonder, why not just take IGF1 directly? Its because IGF1 on its own can suppress SIRT6, a pathway that is crucial for longevity and stem cell regenerative ability, Cartalax doesn't. It stimulates both IGF1 and SIRT6 simultaneously, making it unique and potent. In fact, SIRT6 deficiency results in a reduced differentiation potential of MSCs into bone and cartilage and Its been shown that mice deficient in sirt 6 have accelerated aging as well. this might be one of the ways igf1 on its own can lead to aging. However, you don’t need to worry about this with Cartalax since it stimulates sirt 6 and concurrently with IGF1, which makes it very special and more potent, this is how these bioregulator peptides like cartalax are truly remarkable, because they are so intelligent in their functions. 

Cartalax was also shown to increase collagen type 1, which may be due to the above pathways or a direct effect. And also it helps to prevent extracellular matrix degradation because it inhibits something called MMP-9. MMP9 breaks down collagen, so by inhibiting it, we can help to assure the regeneration of cartilage exceeds the breakdown of cartilage.

And btw these same pathways make cartalax good for skin health as well. But we have a full looksmaxing course if you are interested in that.

And do you remember what I said about pinealon earlier? It would be a great combination with cartalax since Pinealon can further reduce inflammation and nerve pain, through PPAR and irisin activation. But it can do more than just reduce nerve pain. Irisin was shown to reduce arthritis inflammatory responses and cartilage breakdown on imaging studies. This is also why its good to continue exercising even if you are in pain or have arthritis because when you exercise myokines like irisin are released which help with joint repair, and if you are completely sedentary you don’t get those factors unless you are taking peptides that promote those gene transcriptions of course.. So you see, pinealon and cartalax would work synergistically and be good to stack together. This is the advanced type of synergistic combinational knowledge I provide in my peptide mastery course because most people really don’t know how to use these peptides to get the best response out of them.

Peptide Mastery Course:

Purchase peptides on Vitastream- CHANGEAGE10 for 10% off.

Thanks for tuning in! This has been brenden henry, the world's leading expert in peptide science, giving you a detailed breakdown of cartalax and how it can help your joints. If you have found this overview helpful or interesting then please share it with others and subscribe to our youtube, spotify, or our blog at the bottom of this post because there will be more great content coming soon. 

cartalax peptidecartalax russias superhuman cartilage and bone peptidecartalax bioregulator
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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