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Chonluten: Russia's "Superhuman" Lung and Stress Peptide

May 17, 20246 min read

Chonluten: Russia's "Superhuman" Lung and Stress Peptide

For an audio overview of chonluten, listen to the video below.

Brenden Henry here and do you want to increase the work capacity of your lungs? Well If you're serious about biohacking and optimizing your body, you should really be aware of everything Chonluten can do. If you're new here, I'm Brenden Henry, the worlds leading expert in peptide science. I've got a reputation for the most scientifically accurate pinealon video and article on the internet, proven with over 100 citations. I obsess over the accuracy of the information I convey so that you can use peptides appropriately and get the best results possible. Today, we’re diving into Chonluten, the ultimate lung bioregulator that is crucial for athletes, mountain climbers, or anyone with lung problems, such as smokers or those looking to reduce the effects of aging on the lungs. It was discovered in the mucosal lining of the lungs to be exact. The Cytomax product is Taxorest, and Chonluten is present in Taxorest at concentrations 4.5 times higher than Bronchogen, which is a lesser known lung peptide which just isn't as good as chonluten. 

Chonluten Reverses senescence markers in the Lungs

So when researchers took a culture of old bronchial cells, they found a high expression of p16, which is associated with cellular senescence and apoptosis. They added chonluten to the culture and the markers of p16 were reduced by a factor of 3 times, bringing it close to the level of lung cells that were young, so it is very protective to the lungs under aging and adverse factors.

But chonluten also has some antiohypoxiant effects. This is something that pinealon also has btw, minus the lung specific benefits, if you havent heard about pinealon check out my video on the unyielding vigor youtube channel or spotify, or just go to

Anti Hypoxiant and Stress Protective Effects of Chonluten

In one study they put humans inside of a hypobaric chamber. This can be used to simulate high altitudes because it lowers the oxygen levels. The researchers simulated an altitude of 15,000 feet, which is as high as mount kilimanjaro btw, and the people were not given any supplementary oxygen.The Reactive anxiety decreased by 13% in the chonluten group, while it increased by 10% in the placebo group. Heart rate increased by only 10-20% in the peptide group compared to 20-40% in the placebo group, and there was a doubling of physical work capacity in the chonluten group, as measured by reduced maximum oxygen consumption.

This just shows how good chonluten is for the lungs and also stress! In fact khavinson has a patent on chonluten specifically for stress protective effects, so I’d like to tell you a story because I've personally been through quite a lot of stress and the impacts of it can not be understated. It was in the mid 19th century that hans seyle introduced the general adaptation theory which reveals how stress always produces adrenal hyperactivity, lymphatic atrophy, and peptic ulcers. This has devastating consequences such as reduced quality of sleep, which can lead to lower dopamine and testosterone, reduced immune function and poor digestion.

And Back in 2019, I was left with a lot of stress and anxiety when my engineering business shut down under the weight of the covid lockdowns and supply chain disruptions.So I have experienced it first hand and it is my hope that by sharing this research with you on chonluten that you will be able to use it to your advantage as well.

How Chonluten Protects Against Stress

First, it leads to an increase in brain monoamines, including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. However, these are decreased peripherally. The research paper by Khavinson doesn't mention exactly how it does this, but it does state that it restores c-fos in the PVN under stress, which means it restores the sensitivity. The PVN is a region in the hypothalamus which controls many different hormones related to metabolic regulation, appetite, sexual functioning, etc. and it receives innervation from monoamines. 

So it is my theory, and I want to make it clear this is just a theory based on my extensive biohacking knowledge, that it modulates AADC, which is what facilitates the last step in neurotransmitter synthesis. When you consume the amino acid tryptophan, it's converted into 5-HTP by THP, and then serotonin by AADC. Similarly, when you consume tyrosine, it's converted into L-DOPA by tyrosine hydroxylase, and then into dopamine by AADC. If Chonluten modulates AADC, it would explain how these monoamines are increased in the brain and decreased peripherally and it would explain the restoration of cfos to the PVN.

Additionally, chonluten inhibits enkephalinase which gives rise to endogenous enkephalins, which are natural opioids that have feel good and pain relieving effects.This is also something that semax also does btw. But don’t worry, studies show that endogenous enkephalins do not induce conditioned place preference, which means there is no addiction potential.Sunlight also increases endogenous enkephalins for example, which can at least partly explain the mood boosting effects.

So by restoring brain monoamines and enkephalins, chonluten seems to have a stress protective effect which also helps to keep your pineal gland functioning.

You see, another consequence of stress is how it impairs the pineal gland through reducing tyrosine hydroxylase, p75 neurotrophic factor, and alpha tublin. These markers are absolutely necessary for optimal pineal gland functioning and when they are impaired the pineal gland becomes denervated, and cfos, a marker of sensitization drops. This is why it's hard to get quality sleep when you have chronic stress because your entire circadian rhythm and endogenous melatonin production are messed up. 

Interestingly Chonluten does have some pineal gland restorative effects, but only under the effects of stress. It was shown to restore cfos to the pineal gland thereby bringing its functioning back online. So even though its not the pineal gland regulator, like endoluten and epitalon, it could synergize with them if you are experiencing a lot of stress.

Chonluten Heals Gastric Ulcers

The last thing I want to cover is how chonluten is benefiting the stomach, particularly those who have gastric ulcers. So h pylori is one of the most common types of bacterial infections which lead to gastric ulcers, gastritis, and potentially even stomach cancer in the long term, which btw colon cancer rates have been increasing in younger people according to one study, and its also estimated that 30-40% of people in the united states are infected with h pylori.  There are ways to treat the infection, typically with antibiotics like amoxacillin or clindamycin. However these antibiotics are just used to clear up the infection. So there was a study where they induced gastric ulcers in mice through infecting them with h pylori. One group got clindamycin and the other group got chonluten. It was shown that the chonluten group had a complete re-epithelization of the gastric ulcers in only 21 days! This beat the clindamycin group!

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Thanks for tuning in! This has been Brenden Henry, the world's leading expert in peptide science, giving you a detailed breakdown of chonluten. If you have found this overview helpful or interesting then please share it with others and subscribe because there will be more great content coming soon.

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Unleash your vigor and conquer your limits!

Brenden Henry

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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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