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jay campbell wrong

The "God Stack" Optimizer Should PAY Unyielding Vigor? (Photographic proof inside)

May 01, 20245 min read

The "God Stack" Optimizer Should PAY Unyielding Vigor? (Photographic proof inside)

Jay Campbell describes himself as "a TRT patient for 17 years who's an expert at endocrine function".

He pushes out regular emails talking about how other people are uninformed, referring to them as clowns, while praising himself as the "expert".

But anyone can pin testosterone in their ass, Jay.

At Unyielding Vigor we don't need TRT.

He says "When it comes to optimization, I've always only been focused on ME and what I'm doing.

Quite simply, I've IGNORED everyone else.

And it was a reasonable strategy because:

1. I have an intimate and ultimate network of REAL optimization experts and doctors

2. Most of those in the space are clueless and often coming to ME for advice"


He makes it sound like he's the one guy with the REAL info.

Like he's the one setting everyone else in the industry straight.

He even positions himself as a peptide expert.

Yet I can tell you with absolute conviction Jay Campbell makes MISTAKE after MISTAKE when it comes to peptides.

He publishes and spreads misinformation, yet goes out of his way to criticize other people in the space and call them clowns.

How do I know?

Well, first of all, I'm one of the optimization experts Jay Campbell learns from.

And second, I've written the most in-depth, thorough and accurate article EVER written in English on the peptide Pinealon (backed with over 100 citations) ¹.

Which is why it's painful to see Jay, someone who claims to be all about providing REAL information and how everyone goes to HIM for advice...

Take over 1 MONTH to fix the lies/misinformation he published on his website when I brought it to his attention:

jay campbell

Throughout the piece, Jay touted Pinealon as a pineal gland regulator, likening it to Epitalon and Endoluten. But Pinealon isn't even a pineal gland peptide. It's isolated from Cortexin ⁴.

It took me sending 6 emails over 1 month, constantly following up hoping he fixed his article, before one of his assistants finally made the changes.

You know, Jay, you'd think with your "40 years of experience" in peptides and your consultancy with top doctors and experts, you wouldn't need correction on this.

Especially when you're supposedly "THE" guy everyone in the industry goes to for advice!

Turns out I wasn't alone in setting him straight, either. Another guy reached out, revealing Campbell's misinformation about Epitalon.

Apparently, he and his partner Tom, had to consult Phil Micans just to rectify their errors.

Another great display from the "peptide expert" Jay Campbell!

Look, at this point I've researched more about peptides than almost anyone else in the western world.

I take it PERSONALLY when someone like Jay is using his brand to try and claim that he's the provider of truth, and everyone else is a clown...

When the reality is he's not even interested in accuracy or truth.

Peptide Misinformation leads to bad results

Look, when guys like Jay Campbell put out misinformation about a peptide, it gets shared with others, and those people share it with others too.

Before long, people are using a peptide incorrectly and getting subpar results for their goals. This is the biggest fear I have with this industry, and it is unbelievably sad that his business partner, Hunter Williams, started calling pinealon the pineal gland regulator as well, even after I corrected them.

Hunter Williams Wrong

I just can’t keep up with trying to correct all of Jays and his associates mistakes.

So if you want the most scientifically accurate and comprehensive overview of pinealon's benefits from me, Brenden Henry, the world's leading expert on peptide science, who has the most scientifically supported pinealon article on the internet with over 100 scientific citations, check out my video below,

Pinealon: Russia's "Superhuman" Brain-Enhancing Peptide

But let's continue with our segment: "Misleading Takes by Jay Campbell".

in his cerebrolysin article, Jay claims that cere contains BDNF, NGF, and CNTF

jay campbell

But a study proves cerebrolysin doesn't contain these. SOURCE

cerebrolysin ngf bdnf cntf

Jay's recommendations ⁵, like Semaglutide, are well known for causing muscle loss, being associated with lower testosterone, and erectile dysfunction ², and even gastroparesis with bezoar formation, which is when food gets stuck in the stomach due to slow GI transit times and you need surgery ³.

And on his podcast with Ben Greenfield, Jay mentioned using Lion's Mane in his stack.

jay campbell ben greenfield stack

But it is a kor agonist known for lowering dopamine and testosterone levels ⁴.

...This will tank your motivation and libido.

This is the guy that's using his brand name to charge $2,500 for 90 minutes of consulting.

jay campbell coaching

Really, I think Jay needs to pay for my coaching.

The problem is, it's not Jay that's losing because of this.

It's all the men out there who are getting bad advice from a guy who doesn't care about truth and accuracy.

I work hard to steer men away from misinformation and dangerous information.

In fact, it's one of the reasons I felt compelled to start Unyielding Vigor in the first place.

However, correcting such monumental mistakes is a full-time job, one that falls under my personal coaching programs.

So he's going to continue dishing out misguided advice and blindly quote others until he finally decides to own up to his shortcomings. Instead of trying to do all the coaching himself, he should just send people our way to get real coaching.

If you want help from a real peptide and natural hormone optimizations expert, you can either get our peptide course or our coaching.

Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits!

Brenden Henry

jay campbelljay campbell coachingjay campbell peptides
blog author image

brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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(Created and proven with the results of 107 scientific studies)

Unleash Your Vigor & Conquer Your Limits!

-Unyielding Vigor

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