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molecular nanotechnology

The Future Is Now: Peptides = Molecular Nanotechnology

May 09, 202415 min read

The Future Is Now: Peptides = Molecular Nanotechnology

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Molecular Nanotechnology is often thought of as some sci-fi futuristic thing. Examples of its capabilities have been portrayed in fiction novels such as "escape from furnace" in which experiments in an underground government facility transform ordinary men into superhuman soldiers, with blood that had the capability to regenerate almost any injuries. It sounds like magic or myth right? Same with ancient alchemy or the potions and mutagens in fantasy worlds like the Witcher series, that can improve your abilities and provide supernatural healing. But what If I told you that something not too far fetched from this is already here hiding in plain sight?

My name is Brenden Henry, a former engineer from Philips. I was on the design team of the Trilogy model ventilators, which are used in hospitals today. Some of the engineers I worked with had PhDs in molecular biology and come from a family of doctors. So in those situations, you can just imagine that we have some interesting discussions and throw around some interesting ideas. Over the years, I've personally met a bioengineering inventor who created a device which is implantable into your diaphragm and it creates a voltage every time you take a breath. It could be used to, for instance, keep pacemakers charged up so that they don't have to be surgically removed once the battery dies. Huge advancements in medical field and these are the types of people I surrounded myself with.

I later developed an obsession with using pharmacological interventions that include supplements and peptides to enhance myself. But I was never satisfied with the knowledge that the current experts are putting out there. And so that's why I decided it's time for me to set the bar higher.

In his book, "Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology", Erik Drexler envisioned a future where nanotechnology would revolutionize human existence. But little did he know the future was not so distant, and existed at the time he was writing his book.

What If I told you there's a real-world application of nanotechnology that's already changing lives, even if it's not widely recognized? Would you believe me?

I mean if something was this good, everyone should know about it and be talking about it, right? They should be, but they aren't. The mainstream has almost entirely ignored it. In fact, I would venture as far to say the mainstream experts do not want you to know about this info. I think they want to gatekeep it so they can have an unfair advantage over you. I say this after personally being blocked from one of the leading longevity experts in the USA, just from posting a comment about it on one of his videos. There is no way the most obsessive longevity expert I know, Bryan Johnson, would not be using this, unless it is of course, that he also just hasn't made the same discoveries as I did.

What I am referring to specifically are bioregulator peptides which were founded back in the USSR. You see, these are natural products that were created for military purposes to give soldiers an edge, to slow their rate of aging and disease when working under extreme factors. More on that in a minute. 

Why has peptide research been hidden?

One reason why the marketing and seo on these discoveries has not been so good, at least in the west, is that these peptides are often referred to by certain reference names. For example T38 is vesugen, which is KED which is lys-glu-asp, t33 is pinealon which is edr, which is glu asp arg, chonluten is t34, which is EDG which is glu-asp-gly, and so on... There are different names for all of the khavinson peptides and so you need to search by each name. But it turns out, we have had a lot of science censored in western medical journals. Khavinson, a renowned scientist who has published over 700 scientific papers and 100 patents, and who is the inventor of this molecular nanotechnology has said so himself in 1 interview ¹. Therefore, I had to continue my search through Russian journals, and his books, and I did this for all of the peptides

Both the reports of their use and the scientific literature regarding organ regeneration, enhancing cellular functioning, recovery after serious injuries, turning back the clocks on aging, and so much more have been nothing short of miraculous. And I'd love to share some stories with you today. 

But before we get into those stories, I would just like to answer a common question I get asked, which is how do these peptides work? It's a great question that I haven’t heard a good answer for from anyone. 

How Do Bioregulator Peptides Work?

Inside every cell in our bodies, we have DNA. This DNA is the written code that controls every biological process occurring in our body. Part of what makes up this code is genes. What activates and deactivates these specific genes? There are a few things. One is the methylation patterns, which are correlated with the aging process. As we age, some CpG sites in the DNA change in a way that reduces the functional activity of our genes. Another factor is controlled by the histone proteins in the cell. These histone proteins wrap our DNA into a structure called chromatin, which then packs it into the nucleus of the cell. However, with aging, a type of chromatin called heterochromatin becomes increased and the structure becomes more tightly packed, making it less functional, leading to certain genes being either repressed or silenced. On the other hand, deheterochromatization, involves reducing the heterochromatization, which stimulates these genes once again, contributing to the rejuvenation of cells and tissues and working more like it was when we were younger.


So, what happens when we take a bioregulator peptide? Two things. This peptide enters the cell and forms a bond with a specific type of histone protein. This bond influences the chromatin structure in a positive manner. Many of these peptides can result in deheterochromatization and enhance the expression of genes that are losing their activity and stimulating genes that have been silenced as a result of the aging process, therefore having a positive effect on the cells. But these bioregulator peptides can also stimulate certain gene expressions directly, by directly binding to the genes in the DNA code in promoter regions, that is regions which affect the gene expressions either up or down, depending on the current state of the body and its needs. 

Eventually, the peptide bond is cleaved by peptidase, breaking the peptide down into its individual amino acids, which are then utilized by the cell for other processes.

So, there are many types of these bioregulator peptides and they exert semi permanent effects since their use can cause lasting changes in the way that chromatin influences dna. This means once you stop taking them you are still enhanced for a period of time. How long? Well, we don’t know exactly, but what we have seen in human studies is the reversal of biological age. You see, we have chronological age, which is our actual age, for instance I am 29 years old, but we also have biological age which is the age of our dna. The most accurate method for measuring the age of our dna now is the horvath clock. It is able to measure the methylation patterns in CpG sites, which are regulatory regions of dna involved in gene expressions,  to give a more accurate predictor of function/integrity of our DNA and its age.

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Peptide Bioregulator Stories

Imagine that you need surgery, you have a health problem, a damaged organ, or an injury. The surgeon needs to get to the injury site. So the anesthesiologist or in some cases the surgeon, if it's just local anesthetic, administers the anesthetic and grabs his scalpel from over there, carefully cutting through your skin, blood vessels, fats, fascia, muscle, and potentially small branched off arteries, and nerves. This is extensive tissue damage, but its needed to get to the injury site so that the injury can be repaired. But what if you didn't need a surgery in the first place and could be healed from the inside? Therein lies one advantage of this molecular nanotechnology. There have been many cases where a patient had a condition that was thought to require surgery, but ended up successfully treated with peptides.

And these peptides have been studied more than any drug on earth, and have been in practice for over 40 years in Russia and it was made possible due to an unlimited budget and high stakes.

Khavinson peptides were birthed during the USSR

It was in the 1960s and 1970s, during the height of the Cold War, that both the Soviet Union and the United States were deeply invested in military prowess. The USSR witnessed America's nuclear tests in action and was concerned about the proximity of US naval and military bases to its borders. In response, they built nuclear submarines and stationed them near the US coastline. However, there was a problem: the crews aboard these submarines had to endure months-long missions, exposing them to high levels of radiation from poorly shielded nuclear reactors. Similar radiation exposure was observed in missile silo operators and supersonic jet pilots, leading to signs of premature aging among personnel. Even with adequate rest and nutrition, these men were not recovering from the effects of radiation exposure. As a result the army command instructed the medical force to find a solution for complete recovery and to reverse premature aging.

The main issues identified were metabolic impairments stemming from a lack of protein synthesis in cells, which affected various bodily systems including the immune, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive, and vision systems. Organs were deteriorating and failing.

Khavinson who was a colonel at the time and his partner Morizov took up the challenge, supported by the USSR's unlimited resources, as they were also concerned about the potential development of a laser weapon by the United States that could cause blindness and hearing loss. So this research was a priority for them and is likely not something that could be replicated today, since significant amounts of funding would be required.

It all started with Ivan Pavlov And BPC Origins

They drew inspiration from the work of Ivan Pavlov, a physiologist who was studying digestive processes in dogs and was awarded a nobel prize in 1904 for the physiology of digestion. A lot of his work at the time was probably looking at BPC, of which bpc157 is a fragment of. And just as a side note- later on khavinson came up with his own peptides for this which are stamakort as a polypeptide extract and chonluten as a single tripeptide. These were even shown to provide complete re-epithelialization of gastric ulcers induced by h plyori infection in 21 days, so they do work. Anyway Khavinson and his team developed a method for extracting peptides from various organs in cattle aged less than one year old.


And btw since this is a question I get asked all the time, these are cattle native to Russia and had no documented cases of prion disease or infectious agents throughout history. The extraction and purification processes followed European Medicines Agency and Pharmacopeia standards, ensuring the cleanliness and safety of the peptides. These peptides, with molecular weights typically less than 5,000 daltons (with the exception of cortexin being less than 10,000), demonstrated a restorative effect when administered to individuals with premature aging syndrome. 

The peptides were restoring protein synthesis in the cells, and although they were largely organ specific, I found out through my research that they also exert effects elsewhere but with an emphasis on the organ from which they were derived. A good example of this is the chonluten I mentioned above, it is a lung peptide that just happens to exert benefits to the stomach as well. And Pinealon, which I have done the largest write up of on the internet, and even corrected jay campbells misinformation on when he called it the pineal gland bioregulator, which its not, since it's isolated from cortexin. Anyway pinealon exerts a lot of beneficial effects on the muscles, and endurance performance through stimulating PPAR’s and irisin which increase the uptake of glucose into muscle cells and stimulate the utilization of fatty acids, thus improving time ran on a treadmill until exhaustion and preventing the drop off in performance seen in a control group of wrestlers, even improving heart rate power curves, that is lowering heart rate under same power output.

Khavinson has cytomaxes, cytomins, and cytogens. 

The cyotmins are the equivalent of the cytomaxes but with more of the cofactors and vitamins in them. Both of these are the organ specific tissue extracts I mentioned. Khavinson refers to these as having a slower action time to take effect, but a longer duration of effects. So he recommends that in cases where you want to correct an issue quickly, you use a cytogen first, since they are quicker acting and this just has to do with their small size leading to great absorption and ability to pass through the cells and bind to their target sites easily and quickly.

A cytogen is a single peptide that was found through spectrometry examination of the cytomaxes, it must be a di, tri or tetrapeptide. For example vilon from the thymus is a di peptide, pinealon, chonluten and vesugen are tri peptides, and epitalon and bronchogen are examples of tetrapeptides. 

Generally, you wouldn't just take 1 peptide for your goal, since a better effect can be achieved with using multiple synergistic peptides at once.


If you start on the cytogens for an acute issue, then you can switch over to the cytomaxes for a longer term course.

So these khavinson peptides all have human trials and decades of data supporting them, they can be used in various diseased states and medical conditions. Basically any type of condition you can think of there is a peptide that holds promise. I can get into some of this in future podcasts. Since I just wanted to give a brief introduction here.

Some more history of peptide bioregulator use: 

The Komsomolets was a Soviet nuclear-powered attack submarine that suffered a fire and subsequent sinking in April 1989 in the Norwegian Sea. Many of the men on board were left treading water for up to 90 minutes before being rescued. A true feat considering 15 minutes was the approximate expected survival time in these waters. Impressively the survivors were able to make a complete recovery with the help of peptides, notably the thymus bioregulator ²

Khavinson peptides have also been used in Afghanistan, the Chernobyl incident in Ukraine, in Gazprom workers in Serbia to reduce all cause mortality, in the elderly to reduce all cause mortality, and by Olympic athletes in the USSR and even to this day. They are not banned since they are considered a food supplement. In some cases hardcore athletes can have an increased biological age in relation to their chronological age due to the effects of years of hard training. However, this was able to be reversed quickly with these peptides. 

Last year I made the most detailed writeup of pinealon with over 100 citations, and I am so glad that many people found it beneficial! I have obsessed over 66 different peptides for years, but I have a preference for khavinson peptides. And my biggest fear is that a lot of the best discoveries on Khavinson peptides will be lost forever, and go down in history.

You see, I've read every study published by Khavinson, every patent, every book, and I have even emailed every university in Russia, and found that a lot of these Khavinson peptides have studies that only made it into various quarterly magazine releases, but have not been published in journals. I started emailing every author of these and found one of them is the Guinness world record holder of high altitude river rafting!  I have discovered so much that others have not through my obsessions into peptides which is why I feel a strong obligation to do everything I can to spread the magic of peptides, which is why I also started "Truth or Lies: The Real Science of Biohacking, a podcast with an emphasis on peptides. 

(I named it "Truth or Lies" because a lot of the information "peptide experts" have put out there has been wrong. I've emailed some of these experts, such as Jay Campbell with corrections, since I just feel a dire need to have accurate peptide info out there).

Ever since my pinealon post, I have received a lot of DM's about peptides. So I made the first episode to address some of the questions I have been receiving and give a brief introduction to bioregulator peptides, their capabilities, and their history. I liken them to molecular nanotechnology, because the concept is so similar as you heard.

And I will continue spreading the magic of peptides

I will have the largest write up posted here on vesugen soon, the powerful stem cell stimulator and blood vessel peptide, epitalon, the pineal gland peptide which almost everyone knows about, and one on chonluten, a powerful stress protective peptide that no one seems to be talking about. A lot of my discoveries will be like that, so I encourage you to follow me on spotify, subscribe to my youtube, or subscribe to my blog below this post if you are interested in hearing about stuff that no one else covers in depth. You can expect the thoroughness of my findings to be like the post on pinealon was, and very science heavy with citations. But for now, please enjoy this introuduction to peptide bioregulators.

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Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits!

-Brenden Henry

molecular nanotechnology from sci-fi to realitykhavinson peptidesbioregulator peptides
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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