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Pinealon: Russia's "Superhuman" Brain-Enhancing Peptide

Pinealon: Russia's "Superhuman" Brain-Enhancing Peptide

May 14, 202415 min read

Pinealon: Russia's "Superhuman" Brain-Enhancing Peptide

(This blog will give a great rundown of all pinealons beneficial outcomes in athletes, boosting brain power and share personal stories, but not be focused on pure scientific references like my other post is with over 100 references).

Brenden Henry here and I feel it's totally unacceptable that peptides which are giving me and my clients such an edge in sports, cognition, and age reversal are not even being covered in the spotlight by other western “experts” who only brush through surface level research. I often feel like the cutting-edge stuff is being left exclusively to the Russians, and as the world's leading expert in peptide science, I feel the need to speak up about what these peptides are truly capable of!

Pinealon Deserves the Spotlight

And I was shocked when I saw it did not make the list of the best endurance or cognitive peptides from Jay Campbell when Pinealon is literally one of the most powerful endurance and cognitive peptides that exist!

And I am so passionate about this one because it's the first khavinsons peptide that I have tried and got beautiful effects from. One night, while it was raining outside, I was in my kitchen and tried Pinealon as a nasal spray for the first time. I felt a subtle shift in my mood, Colors seemed more vivid, the rain outside sounded more enhanced, and my mind was so clear.

I went outside where my weights are to do a workout and the performance benefits were real, as you are about to find out.

So if you are listening in on Podbean (since spotify deleted our account) or youtube please give me a like, because I’m about to set the record straight on everything pinealon and go DEEP into stuff that no one has ever covered before in the western world.

Professor Vladimir Khavinson, who discovered pinealon, did so when he was looking at the composition of cortexin, which is a brain peptide blend which is enzymatically cleaved with acetic acid from the cortex of either cattle or pigs in russia less than 1 year old. This blend is purified, while removing anything that has a molecular weight beyond 10,000 daltons. IT was meant to be the successor to cerebrolysin which is a hydrolyzed brain peptide and amino acid blend taken exclusively from pigs and invented by  Dr. Gerhart Harrer's, an Austrian scientist in 1949.

You see, Khavinson has an entire line of peptides called cytomaxes, which is a peptide blend taken from a certain organ or other part of the body. But through spectrometry some of their composition has been determined. And the most active peptides containing 2-4 amino acids in length were used for the cytogens.

Thus, pinealon is one of these cytogens from cortexin or cerluten, the brain regulator, and it is synthetically produced in the lab.

The Science of Pinealon in Athletics

At the Lesgaft university in st petersberg russia, there was a study on gymnasts who were given pinealon and crystagen and it was found to lowertheir heart rate in the recovery phase.

In another study, just pinealon was able to reduce the heart rate in athletes by 10-12 beats per minute under the same physical training loads and it reduced factors of biological aging. More on that in a bit. But both of these studies were with oral administration.

In female judo athletes, Pinealon also reduced fatigue, enhanced reaction, and had a geroprotective effect. Again, more on that in a bit. Sportsmen also benefited from pinealon in terms of their fatigue being reduced and it prevented a large drop off in performance that was seen with the control group. Both of these studies were also with oral administration.

Recently I was looking through A russian magazine's quarterly release from several years ago, and I came across a study investigating pinealon and vesugen in improving reaction speed in sports, as well as overall sports performance. The combination was highly effective. And it turns out the one author who I have emailed is actually the Guinness world record holder in high altitude river rafting! 

This next one is interesting because it directly compares pinealon to a drug called bemethyl, which is an actoprotector that also came out of the USSR, and was historically used to enhance the body's resistance to emergencies and prolong the endurance. So these rats were forced to run on a treadmill each day for 10 days until they literally collapsed and the max time was recorded. And pinealon destroyed bemethyl here..The effects even persisted after discontinuation of pinealon.

Its well known that pinealon can improve muscle endurance but it also has anti hypoxiant effects which contribute. When rats were placed into a hyperbaric chamber without oxygen, the ones administered pinealon remained conscious for over double as long as the control.

It was even shown that pregnant rats exposed to hypoxia and under the influence of pinealon gave birth to healthy non-cognitively impaired rats. 

This is because It inhibits caspase 3 which prevents cellular apoptosis under stress, and it also increases complex 1 of the electron transport chain, which basically means increased ATP production. And pinealon directly increases glutathione peroxidase through a direct effect on the GPX1 gene. 

pinealon also had a beneficial effect on brain impairment, in which it restored some brain and vital organ functions and reversed biological age factors.

Pinealon also reduced biological age in healthy middle aged and elderly people as well, even when only administered for a 20 day course at 2 capsules per day, and the age reversal was 3.9 years or more depending on the group. And btw with these peptide bioregulators a better effect can be achieved by combining synergistic ones. So don’t think this is the limit, because its not.


Pinealons age reversal effects

Regarding the anti-aging effects of pinealon mentioned above I want to clarify that these effects were determined using a Russian metric of biological aging called the Voitenko Method. It measures factors such as blood pressure, heart rate, lung capacity, and blood markers, but they also added chromosomal changes to the list of measurements, and then compared those to a standard age range.

The lower the score, the lower the biological age. In this case, tests were conducted before and after the intervention, and the after tests showed an improved, lower score.

It is a good metric but the horvath clock is the gold standard when it comes to measuring biological age. That is the test dr. bill lawrence, who I hope to interview soon btw, is using in human trials with khavinsons peptides to assess age reversal, in addition to measuring telomere length.

The Horvath clock is able to measure the methylation patterns in CpG sites, which are regulatory regions of DNA involved in gene expressions, to give a more accurate predictor of function/integrity of our DNA and its age. 

As I mentioned in my first episode of this series, one way that these bioregulator peptides can reverse biological age has to do with their ability to bind to histone proteins and induce what's called deheterochromatization, which leads to the restoration of repressed genes. 

Deheterochromatization has been observed with some other khavinson peptides such as epitalon, livagen vilon, and prostamax. However, it hasn't been directly observed or evaluated with pinealon. 

However, we do know that pinealon affects other genes associated with DNA repair such as  GDF11, which is also one of the genes that epitalon affects as well. To understand what this gene does, I want to tell you a story. 

Back in the 1900s there was a renowned scientist who was performing blood transfusions, specifically with younger blood into older subjects. He noticed this was having a remarkable anti-aging effect on the organism, and indeed, it's something that even Bryan Johnson, the most popular longevity figure in the USA, has done to himself with his son's blood. So one of the factors in young blood that was found to exert a lot of the anti aging effects including DNA and organ reparative effects, it was even able to reverse myocardial hypertrophy, as was demonstrated by professor khavinson,

So what is the mechanism for pinealons performance improvement?

It increases glucose utilization through enhancing expressions of  PPARA and Irisin. This will also promote insulin sensitivity and improve your metabolic health. It can even be advantageous for type 2 diabetics because PPARA and PPARG activators like tesaglitazar have been shown to be extremely effective in diabetics and even in lowering cholesterol levels through a non detrimental pathway. 

I was even talking to a type 1 diabetic in a group I am in. He has to inject insulin because his pancreatic beta cells do not produce enough. So he regularly monitors his blood glucose levels. And he told me that pinealon made a notable difference for controlling and lowering his glucose as well.

Also, exercise increases these same factors and lowers cholesterol levels, so to an extent, Pinealon is an exercise mimetic in terms of the downstream influenced gene pathways. 


Btw, I have a peptide mastery course that covers 60 peptides and tells you the best ones to use for your goals, how to stack them for the best possible synergy and max effect and it includes over 300 citations. 

So if you’d like to get the course it's currently on pre order at a discount on

And if you are interested in boosting your testosterone but want to avoid the dangers of common testosterone supplements get our free report called “Toxic testosterone” on or you’ll see the form at the bottom of our resources page.


Now, I’d like to get into the next topic which is

Pinealon and Cognition

We must maximize our cognition if we want to accomplish a lot in life and trust me just getting through life will be so much easier for you when you are cognitively functioning well.

So Pinealon was shown to improve the intelligence in male wrestlers of young age and older men.

It improved the spatial orientation in aging monkeys and increased their speed of learning by 1.5x. 

It improved the performance of mice and rats in the Morris water maze test and the ability to retain the memory even after stress was good.

And pinealon was also able to increase the expression of the FKBP1B gene which was able to reverse age related changes in calcium signaling and restore cognitive and memory impairments in raging rats as well as restore hundreds of genes back in the direction they were in when you were younger and all of this is just associated with better cognition and memory.

Pinealon and TBI and spinal cord injury

I have a story to share with you. So last year my moms dog was chasing after a squirrel, and it became paralyzed. it's one of those breeds called a catahoula which has a longer spine than some other dogs, and so this makes it more prone to a spinal cord injury. The vet said it had some herniated discs which caused nerve damage and did not expect it to ever be able to walk again because it was not even able to respond to pain signals on either of its feet.

They wanted to put it down. But my mom really did not want to, and so I told her lets try high dose pinealon.

We gave it like 20mg per day in its drinking water and within 1 month it was walking again on its own. Incredible stuff. 

Turns out there is actually a patent on pinealon for spinal cord injury in which it was shown to work really well in mice.

A downregulation in caspase 3 activity can help spinal cord regeneration after injury and the irisin protects against motor dysfunction in spinal cord injury.

Then earlier this year I actually herniated 2 discs myself at l4-l5 and l5-s1. I was in a lot of pain. I just decided to take some pinealon and was amazed at how all of my nerve pain vanished as if it was never there. So I did some research and found out that what happens is the discs themselves will in some cases release pro inflammatory cytokines which sensitize the nerve root and cause pain. 

Which brings me into pinealon and TBI.

There are also some patents which show pinealon improves TBI very well in rats and humans who had failed prior treatments.

But there's one other study which used pinealon in workers under stressful conditions. Things like lorry drivers and it improved their psycho emotional state and sense of well being which led to improvements in sleep, but I want to be clear that pinealon is not the pineal gland bioregulator. That is epitalon. I recently had to correct jay campbell on this in his article.

I am a very thorough man, I obsess over even the slightest details, so to avoid any confusion I just want to clarify that pinealon does increase the gene expression of TPH1 in cortex cells taken from mice. THP or tryptophan hydroxylase is responsible for converting tryptophan, an amino acid, into 5htp which is later converted into serotonin by AADC and this can be a step to melatonin production.

I mention this because the TPH1 gene is in the brain of humans, but very minor, its expressed a little in the mid brain and also in the pineal gland, HOWEVER, its in such small quantities compared to TPH2 that it is barely even relevant. In fact TPH1 is expressed at up to 20 nanomols per mg only whereas TPH2 is expressed at 600 nanomols per mg This is a 30x difference! 

This is why pinealon in typical dosages does not induce sleep because it barely even affects serotonin. It's actually a bit stimulating and given to athletes in the morning and before physical activity.

So pinealon is not the pineal gland peptide, it's the brain peptide. Please remember that or help inform others by sharing this episode.

Pinealon and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Pinealon has benefits in AD, which is the destruction of spines on nerve cells in the brain. my grandmother personally died from dementia but I didnt know about it back then. However, it is my hope that you will be able to help out a loved one because pinealon is the only thing I know of which can regenerate the spines 100% in vitro and it also protects the brain from hydrogen peroxide which is increased in the early stages of AD.

And in huntingtons disease, pinealon restored the dendritic spines back to normal!

It might help parkinsons as well, but there are only models in flies in which it improved their locomotion and movement accuracy.

How to dose Pinealon

It's common to hear someone say that khavinson peptides arent orally bioavailable, which is simply not true.  When you consume them they are easily taken up by LAT transporters in the stomach and PEPT transporters in the GI tract. And pinealon actually has one of the highest binding affinity to both these LAT and PEPT transporters according to molecular modeling, and some other peptides enhance the uptake of other peptides as well by stimulating cell surface proteins like cd98 which enhance cell membrane permeability for uptake of other peptides. Cartalax does this for instance and 1 other peptide which I cover in peptide mastery.

In most of the studies with oral dosing 1 capsule twice a day was used. These are produced by garmonia LTD, and are available on vitastream. You can use code CHANGEAGE10 for 10% off. 

However for injection, the dosage for TBI in humans was 5mg in one study, but on a different patent from hkavinson its listed as up to 0.1mg/kg which would be around 6mg for a 70kg human.

I personally enjoy the effects of a nasal spray, which isnt noted on the pinealon patent by khavinson, however, it is noted on other patents for other of the small peptides by khavinson.

I personally find 2mg-4mg to be the ideal dosage here and I get mine from because the purity has always been good on the 3rd party tests.

Pinealon Safety

People always ask me about safety. Pinealon has been studied comprehensively in athletes with blood work and organ analysis before and after its use and found to have no adverse side effects. However, if you try it and don’t like the way it affects your mood, then obviously don’t take it.

As mentioned it improves health metrics and some biological age indicators. But its toxicity was also studied in pigs which noted no toxicity effects observed on various organs or the blood even at doses exceeding the therapeutic range by 100-1,000 times, when administered daily for 6 months by injection.


This was brenden henry,  the world's leading expert in peptide science with the most scientifically backed pinealon write up on the internet at -

Thanks for tuning in!

If Pinealon sounds like something you’d benefit from you can get it here- Purchase peptides on Vitastream- CHANGEAGE10 for 10% off.

Also check out the most scientifically accurate masterclass on peptides ever created, decoded from over 300 scientific research papers, as well as personal email conversations with almost every single one of their authors.


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Brenden Henry

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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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