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Vesugen Stem Cells

The Future of Human Healing - Vesugen (The Stem Cell Activation Peptide)

June 22, 202412 min read

The Future of Human Healing - Vesugen (The Stem Cell Activation Peptide)

Stem cells give your body the ability to regenerate almost any tissue or organ, can reverse aging, and can heal your brain and body as if you have a superpower. But stem cell therapy ranges from $5,000 to $50,000. What if I told you there's a peptide that can activate your body's OWN stem cells from the inside, allowing your body to regenerate its tissues, as well provide multiple other health benefits... At a FRACTION of the cost?

This peptide is called Vesugen. It was discovered over 15 years ago, and has a monumental amount of scientific evidence proving its effectiveness... Yet Western medicine has completely forgotten about it. It's time to change that.

Click above for a video version of this Vesugen Article.

Hi, I'm Brenden Henry, the world's leading expert in peptide science here to talk about Vesugen the blood vessel bioregulator, which is present in ventfort at a concentration of 0.2mg/g, has been shown to enhance the proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells that were cultured by 2x within 5 days. 

Bryan Johnson, one of the most known longevity guys in this scene, went out and got young Swedish mesenchymal stem cells injected into him.

bryan johnson stem cells

He chose these due to the good data supporting them and the fact it has been shown that younger stem cells have more healing capacity than old stem cells. 

What's so cool about vesugen is that it also inhibits your own stem cells senescence, essentially turning back the clock on them to also make them more effective. 

In another study with cultured human mesenchymal stem cells, it was shown that they lost their proliferation and differentiation potential through becoming senescent which corresponded to increased expression of p16, which is a marker of apoptis, and p21 but vesugen (KED) was able to reduce these markers and delay senescence, which is really cool.

Because not only is vesugen proliferating stem cells but its slowing their rate of aging.

Considering we have other studies showing markers of biological age being reduced with vesugen in humans, quite significantly, I do believe we are on to something big here.

So these mesenchymal stem cells are from our bone marrow, not to be confused with hemateopetic stem cells, which can only turn into the blood cell lineage, mesencyhmal ones can become any type of cell. They migrate to any injury or any site that is initiating signaling for repair. so the stem cells are in circulation, they come across this signaling and it directs them into that tissue.

And about 97% of our DNA is controlled by epigenetic processes, things such as stressors, injuries, environment, and also of course the binding of other molecules such as peptides to our DNA.

Because of this, khavinsons bioregulator peptides have become so fascinating. Because they are mostly tissue specific, although there are some nuances to this where some of the peptides have cross over and effect other systems. If we wanted to increase our stem cells and then direct them to a certain type of tissue, we could in theory at least do this, by combining vesugen with another specific peptide that controls the transcription factors we want. I can investigate tailored strategies like this with my coaching at

And btw you never have to worry about running out of stem cells either, this proliferation is just division. Stem cells can undergo division indefinitely as they have a high telomerase activity. What happens is the pool simply gets reduced with age which is a result of our red bone marrow declining with age.

At birth it is all red, but by early adulthood, it becomes about 60% red and 40% yellow. As we reach age 30, that ratio becomes about 50/50, and at 70 years old, our red marrow is only 30%, shifting its predominance to yellow.

There's a guy named Christian Drupoo who wrote a book called "Cracking the Stem Cell Code." He has a product called Stemregen, which is supposed to increase the release of circulating stem cells. It's based on various types of algae and when I researched these algae, I found that their amino acid sequences are rich in aspartic acid and arginine, and some of the larger peptides are composed of lysine, glutamic acid , and aspartic acid.

 So I was thinking, I wonder if these algae also contain the peptide vesugen and if that is the main peptide in them responsible for the effect on stem cells. Ecklonia cava is another type of algae that is reputed to be very beneficial for blood flow; one study even suggests it may be more effective than Viagra. On the other hand, vesugen remarkably restored erectile function in patients with erectile dysfunction and atherosclerosis. There could certainly be a lot of different mechanisms at play, but there's a straightforward way to find out. We need to conduct an HPLC analysis on these algae to check for the presence of vesugen.

And I would like to conclude this video with a translation from professor khavinson talking about vesugen in relation to stem cells. 

Here is professor khavinson telling us about vesugens ability to stimulate stem cells:

"This is a peptide known as Vesugan. It's patented for what purpose? For stimulating stem cells. In other words, Vesugan has been identified as the most potent stimulator of stem cells worldwide. Vesugan isn't just any peptide; it's a super drug. Why is it so important? Well, we have approximately 30% stem cells in all our organs and tissues. That's why some people have lived for 100 years. They utilize all the resources that have been built up over time. So, in every organ, the brain, the liver, there are multipotent stem cells everywhere. They are kind of dormant, but somehow they regenerate. But from where? These are our reserve cells, and the question is, where do they regenerate from? That's the challenge. How do we activate these reserve stem cells that we all have? With Vesugan. It's the latest discovery; it not only stimulates vascular cells but also stimulates stem cells in the body. So, the value of Vesugan surpasses anything currently available. We're even considering it as a drug, as a stem cell stimulant. Understandable, right? Clearly, 100mcg is not enough. A drug with a concentration of 500mcg, as a medicine, is already injectable, and even more so to go straight into the bloodstream. Yes, Vesugan is a valuable drug for activating stem cells in humans, not through transplantation, which is what various questionable clinics offer, whether it's creams, stem cell treatments, or shaving mares. You understand, it's all absolute nonsense. Simply activating your own stem cells is the right approach."

Alright, brenden is back again and so while vesugen could be awesome for stem cells, it also has some other uses, such as for cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death globally. 

Remember when I said it improved erectile function in men who had atherosclerosis? Well, it also helps for what is described as a "senescence-associated secretory phenotype" of the blood vessels too. 

In simpler terms, it's when cells secrete signaling molecules, such as pro-inflammatory mediators and extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes, it even kills stem cells. All of this causes DNA damage, accelerated aging and greatly harms the blood vessel walls, contributing to less elasticity, a narrowing of the blood vessel wall resulting in less blood flow, and further contributes to tissue damage and inflammation, exacerbating the negative effects of chronic oxidative stress.

So, vesugen seems to work partly through increasing ki-67 through binding to the promoter region of MKI67 which codes for it and this enhances the proliferative potential of endothelial cells.

also normalizes endothelin 1 and decreases connexin 37 thereby leading to vasodilation and it reduces LDL cholesterol.

There have been imaging studies done in the dura mater of a rats brain with the full blood vessel extract for injection, which would be comparable to ventfort oral formulation, which showed that an 18 month old rats blood vessels went from narrow and hard arteries to wide and elastic. In fact khavinson noted it restored them back to the same level as a young and healthy rat. Totally combatting the age related changes in blood vessels.


And vesugen helped in Alzheimer's disease. But not as much as pinealon, which was able to completely regrow the mushroom spines in culture.

Side note: I am a huge fan of genetic testing and family history. It allows us to see what we are predisposed to. For example, each of us has 2 copies of an APOE gene. There is type 2 which is protective for AD, type 3 which is neutral, which is what I have, and type 4 which is high risk. So when we know these things we can create a more optimized plan long term, which is just one of the things we can do with our coaching. If you’re interested go to 

Vesugen alone and also pinealon alone improved organic brain syndrome in humans, this is a condition which manifests as memory loss, confusion, impaired thinking, emotional disturbances, personality changes and so on, it could occur from trauma, infection, disease or some degenerative condition. 

All of the above suggests that vesugen does have neuroprotective or regenerative effect which could be mediated through stem cells and improved blood flow, which is so important in a lot of the dementia and alzeimers since blood flow is often impaired and when you can't get enough oxygen and nutrients to your brain, it doesnt function as well.

Vesugen was also noted to improve biological age indices here better than pinealon, which is what we see across all of the studies. There was even one that showed up to an 8 year reduction in the elderly.

Vesugen also improved the psycho-emotional state of workers under stressful conditions, such as truck drivers. 

And Did you know the number of polyploid cells in the human aorta after 40 years old reaches 30% of the total number of endothelial cells? This is bad because Polyploid cells have an extra set of chromosomes and formed from an overburden of oxidative stress. How do I know this? Because increasing the NAD+ regenerating enzyme and enhancing SIRT1 activity, which are very potent antioxidant pathways in the body, can reduce occurrence of polyploidy. 

And one of the best ways to increase NAD+ cofactors is through exercise. 

However, let's say we take it to the extremes, and we decide to run a marathon.

This is an extreme stressor. Your muscles begin releasing irisin, a myokine, that stimulates glucose uptake to your muscles and improves mitochondrial complex 1 of the electron transport chain, and PPARA increases to aid in utilization of fatty acids as well. These pathways activate the sirt 1 axis which is what NAD+ works through.

However, these antioxidant defense systems can't keep up, so some damage starts to accumulate and advanced glycation end products are formed. This stress was transient, since the AGE's came back down after 72 hours, but this still causes an accumulation of cellular damage which can drive the formation of polyploid cells.

This is particularly concerning because if polyploid cells extend to tetraploid (having four sets of chromosomes), they adopt a dysfunctional phenotype. This phenotype leads to cell death, increased inflammation, and heightened expression of genes related to extracellular matrix remodeling; it's essentially the senescence-associated secretory phenotype I spoke about earlier, which vesugen helps correct.

Now remember this is just on the extremes, its been shown that endurance athletes who compete in these events still live longer than the average population. 

But I mention it because these peptides like vesugen can become an important part of repair and recovery for high level athletes. 

Vesugen and Ventfort also work for senile purpura. In 23 patients aged 70-82 who had this condition which is photodamage of the skin that causes a discoloration, almost like a bruise, vesigen was able to improve all of the symptoms like spontaneous hemorrhages on the face, neck, forearms and hands even after previous treatments failed. 

So let's talk about Vesugen and physical performance:

When combined with Pinealon, it improved endurance in mice in a forced swim test. It's noted to enhance recovery and help maintain high levels of quick reflexes and accuracy. Its mechanism of action is not as well known as pinealon, but it can be hypothesized that stem cells and better blood flow to the muscles and brain would help.

Lastly, for addressing vascular conditions, which is more beneficial: vesugen or ventfort?

Ventfort is shown to lower cholesterol more but for ED, vesugen is the only one proven to work. Same for stem cells, psychoemotional state, organic brain syndrome, alzeimers, biological age reversal and sports performance. 

I’m not saying that ventfort won't help these things, but that has not been studied. So I recommend vesugen.

And Vesugen also improves some aspects of the immune system whereas with ventfort we dont know. 

Vesugen also stimulated stem cell expression of cd14 and and cd19. These correspond to monocytes and macrophages, and B cells, a type of lymphoycte, all of these are involved in the immune response against pathogens. 

Vesugen was also shown to improve cd4+cd8 thymocytes, and inhibit apoptosis of thymocytes. This was seen in culture, however, when we look at blood work analysis in patients who were taking vesugen compared to control we can also see an increase in the lymphocytes and leukocytes, but not macrophages. 

However, there is 1 side effect you should be aware of and that is:

Markers of CD34+ positive hematopoietic cells did decrease in the blood, and these are important for producing your actual blood cells. When we look at a chart from another study where patients took this peptide for 3 months and for 6 months, we can see a slight decline in hemoglobin, suggesting a slight decline in red blood cells. This means that if we are going to take Vesugen, we should stack it with another peptide, specifically bone marrow peptides. If you want to know why, you'll have to check out that module.

and so I hope you enjoyed this Episode. I am releasing my peptide mastery course tomorrow, and in it, I will be covering over 60 peptides and how you can use them to help improve your health. 

I wanted people to benefit from peptides as much as possible, so I made it for

  1. The Knowledge Seeker: This person wants to learn as much as they possibly can about each of these peptides and have a strong understanding of how they work and how they can benefit you. This is exactly what you will get in all of the next modules.


  1. The results maximizer. This person just wants to know what to do and how to do it.

So you can check it out at

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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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