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khavinson peptides gold medalists

The Secret DRUGS Used by Olympic Gold Medalists: Khavinson Peptides

June 22, 20245 min read

The Secret DRUGS Used by Olympic Gold Medalists: Khavinson Peptides

The following is a transcript from my video:

"Hi. Brenden Henry here, the world's leading expert in peptide science, with the most scientifically supported pinealon article online¹. And did you know the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team won five Olympic gold medals in a row and their coach, Irina Viner, attributes much of their success to Khavinson's peptides?

irina viner

Probably not. Because when I look online, all I see is misinformation put out by others who aren't even passionate about peptides. And it's both sad and obvious to me, because if they really cared about peptides, they wouldn't be getting even the most basic information wrong, and they would be sharing more great content with you. It really takes someone with a lot of tenacity to find and interpret all of the nuances of this peptide research, and it is my passion that drives me. And that's why I tracked down a Russian woman who shares my passion for peptides and understands the critical importance of accurate translations. So here is the perfect translation of Irina Viner, the head coach of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, explaining how she used Khavinson's peptides to enhance her athlete's recovery and immunity.

gold medal gymnasts

"We have a doctor, Nina Konstantina Pershina, who is a very good rehabilitation therapist and doctor. We have an excellent radiologist, and we have peptides. For example, no matter how good their bones are, if they're sick, if they have a simple or complex flu, if their immunity is zero, they can help. We have not been sick for second year because we take peptides. For example, I, myself, and my children recover very well if something is cut or an abrasion or wound because any of this would be great inconvenience. Firstly this is a path of various infection I had an Olympic champion, Julia Barsokova, whose abrasion on her leg means she couldn't compete at the Olympic games because she simply had a swollen knee, but was not generally sick. She had a fever, and they wanted to withdraw her from the competition but was diagnosed with infection. She took harsh antibiotics, performed, and subsequently became an Olympic champion. And now we can avoid this because if we fill this wound with a peptide that regenerates the tissue, then that is it. The next day, it will already heal, and we will no longer be able to get an infection and so forth and so on this means we monitor it all the time. We have retinal peptides, liver peptides, and other peptides. Well, it's very difficult to say right away how many types of these peptides exist, and it is an anti doping drug. This has absolutely nothing to do with stimulants, doping, and so on. Therefore, it is very cool that Mister Khavinson invented all this and received patents for all of this. This is all not just a word, but it is all patented. It's all tested. It's all described. All this is documented evidence that it is useful.

You see, I have a very smart mother. She's a doctor and despite the fact that she is already aged, she has many books on medicine. She herself is a very interesting person, and she reads a lot. She has newspapers and books on medicine. Colleagues call her and talk about the new medicines. One day, she found a small article about peptides. There is very little information about them. She also found a small article about doctor Khavinson, and she demanded that I find him in Saint Petersburg. She is my mother I couldn't refuse. We found him in Saint Petersburg and this is where it all started. I took my doctors, and they listened to all his private lectures. We started using the peptides and genetic tests. Our first research was done on the genetic test. Now we seem to know what we should be afraid of and what not to fear, and we are taking some precautions. All of our students are healthy in general, but we all depend on our genetics.

Also, as I told you, there is also liver and retinal genetic. We all have our parents, grandparents, and ancestors. Therefore, we are fortunate to know this man. He performed the research and created such drugs which help us overcome our bad genetics.


By the way, if you are interested in coaching, we also provide personalized recommendations based on your genomic data if you have it, and if you don't we can tell you where to get it done from the comfort of your own home. To get started check our coaching page-


The greatest pleasure this brings is the training and competition. I am not afraid that I will drop something or make a mistake, show my soul, my composition, and in competition so far well, so far apparently there is a little experience or a young age It's very difficult to show your soul and liberate yourself completely. As I said, the peptides increase our immunities. Last year, not a single gymnast fell ill with any cold or viral disease. No one was sick at all. This year, we had the World Cup, and somehow, as our prime minister says, we got so busy, we forgot to take peptides. In January, everyone became ill. We began to take the peptide again and are all recovered. Do the gymnast use any other special drug? No. We use what we have, and that is quite enough. We have completed our research. We have seen that the resistance to stress increased from four to fourteen times. It's cool, as my kid says. If a gymnast or an athlete is afraid to go out and compete, this is difficult. So if their stress level is low, they don't need to inject any drugs into their blood."

I hope you enjoyed that translation and if you are interested in khavinson peptides, get your FREE Peptide Mastery Course here-

Unleash your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits!

Brenden Henry

khavinson peptides olympic athletesolympic gold medalists peptides
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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