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reverse aging peptides

Reversing Aging At the Molecular Level: DunedinPACE and Peptides

June 22, 20247 min read

Reversing Aging At the Molecular Level: DunedinPACE and Peptides

Hi, Brenden here, the world's leading expert in peptide science with the most scientifically backed pinealon article online, and even if you don't wanna live to be 100 years old, you still want a high quality of life right? You want to feel and look your best. No one wants to be decrepit or in misery. So all we got to do is reverse our biological aging. Then all these areas will improve. And we can do it! I'll explain exactly how you can in just a minute.

Because even if you are 20, you could be aging as rapidly as a 40-year-old!

DunedinPACE is a really cool way to measure the pace of aging because it takes what the horvath clock is famous for-analyzing DNA methylation patterns in CpG sites of our DNA-and it builds on top of that. It was created using over 20 years of biomarker data from over 1,000 people who were followed since birth and it shows us how our rate of aging is often a consequence of our environmental factors like, if we grew up in a low income bracket or had childhood trauma.

It also shows us what we are missing out on. For example, our physical abilities, cognition, self rated health and even our facial aging, is all made worse.

So all we gotta do is reverse our biological aging, then these areas will improve, and we can do it! I’ll explain how in just a minute.

But aging starts somewhere in our late teenage years. We see it when our thymus function decreases, which is that small immune regulating gland that sits just behind our sternum, melatonin levels drop, and adrenal hormones like DHEA decline, which causes our free testosterone to go down, and so on. Basically if we look at any of our organ systems and plot the functional capacity of it on a chart by age, we will see a slow decline happening which begins somewhere in our teens or 20s..

And there are certain factors that are associated with accelerating our rate of aging. 

Back in the 2012 london olympics there was a 20yr old Russian woman, by the last name of kanaeva who won the gold medal in rhythmic gymnastics.

She was trained under the guidance Ifrina Viner, the head coach of the Russian national team and who coached 5 gold medal winners in a row. So after the tournament kanaeva was fatigued from hard training and had a difficult time recovering. Its when the coach started working with professor vladimir khavinson, the inventor of these bioregulator peptides, on a specific treatment strategy.

When Khavinson tested her telomeres he was so shocked to find they were that of a 40 year old, he actually tested them again. After confirming, he put her on a specific peptide regimen that was able to restore her telomeres back to what they should be for her age.

One of the things we do here with our coaching is provide specific recommendations based on your genomic data if you have it, and if you don't have it, we can show you how to get it done in the comfort of your own home. Check our coaching page to get started-

Since then, the head coach has been using peptides more comprehensively in her athletes and talks about how it really helps with the recovery of her students and prevents them from getting sick in the winter.

And if you have watched my pinealon episode you will see a good example of a peptide that can improve physical performance and recovery in athletes, and even reverse biological age, it's been proven in many studies, even though its not the best peptide for this purpose.

One of them is extreme sports training and competitions.  A hormetic response is your bodies response to a stressor, it involves an upregulation of antioxidative pathways and certain genes that are involved in the adaptation response to help you recover from your training, but if the amount of stress you are under exceeds your bodies limits,these free radicals and peroxides can lead to glycation and damage to the cells. This impairs protein synthesis and overall function, potentially altering DNA methylation patterns.

This is why leading longevity experts like Bryan Johnson, recognize the importance of exercise but also are cognizant to not overtrain, because there is a threshold where too much is bad. 

It's the same with any type of stress, not just training. Hans Selye identified the general adaptation syndrome, which showcases three phases to the stress response: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. When our bodies are pushed beyond their limits, a chronic stress response occurs, preventing adaptation and causing our organs, immune, and metabolic systems to fail. 

Remember what I said about childhood trauma benign associated with a faster rate of aging? Its why managing depression and anxiety are so crucial.

As is living a healthy lifestyle, getting plenty of sleep, good nutrition, and supplementing where necessary.

And If you havent got our free report, TOXIC testosterone, you should grab that now on because I cover the dangers of the 6 most common testosterone supplements that are recommended and tell you what to do instead and its backed by 107 scientific citations.

And I also created the ultimate nutrition system for peak male health and its on unyieldingvigor on the store page, as an add on to easy testosterone and the peptide mastery course.

It was found that having parents on the lower end of the wealth spectrum is associated with higher dundinpace,  so people who were born into conditions where great food and other care can’t be provided may have accelerated aging. It can literally start in utero too, pregnant mothers who were exposed to stress, give birth to a child that had shorter telomeres.

So I am sure that a lot of my listeners today may be suffering from accelerated aging, but don’t worry there are some things we can do about it..Like I was mentioning above, just having a healthy lifestyle in general is important. 

Bioregulator peptides are incredibly powerful tools in this regard. These peptides emerged from the USSR to combat premature aging in submariners, pilots, and missile silo operators exposed to high radiation levels.

I’m sure a lot of you guys listening have heard to take iodine if you are facing acute radiation exposure, its because it can occupy the thyroid cells and therefore prevent radioactive elements from binding to it. But that's just one body system, our entire immune system and organs start to shut down from radiation, but its the same thing that happens as we get older too.

Radiation exposure, like aging, impairs our metabolism and immune function. For example, I saw an MRI of a young buy who had radiation exposure and it caused his red bone marrow, which produces hematopoietic cells, to atrophy and be replaced with fat. This process naturally occurs with aging, reducing immune function. So the Bone marrow peptides (myelopeptides) and thymus bioregulators are so important for immune function and cancer prevention.

So anyway, you get the idea, all of our organs become impaired with radiation just like they do with the aging process..

Bioregulator peptides can enter cells, interact with histone proteins, and directly bind to DNA regions, affecting gene expression. As we age, increased heterochromatin reduces gene accessibility. Some bioregulators can induce deheterochromatization, restoring youthful gene expression and protein synthesis.

And these changes can persist for some time, its been proven in Dr bill lawrences trials, for those of you who don’t know   Lawrence is a doctor from Atlanta Georgia, who has been running a human trial on these bioregulator peptides, and he is tracking the DNA methylation changes in his subjects as well as the telomere length, he just hasn’t published the data yet.

But its been having great results!


My peptide mastery course is on pre-order right now. This will be the most in-depth and accurate information on peptides ever made available to the public. There's nothing else like this out there.

Right now, it's on sale for just $297. If you're interested in peptides, this is a deal you shouldn’t miss. 

But here’s the catch: the price goes up to $347 on June 8th. After that, it jumps to $497 on June 15th.

This course will make you a master of peptides. It will show you how to use them to improve your health and performance beyond anything you thought possible. You’ll know more than all the so-called “experts” out there. No myths, just facts.

You can find it at

This has been Brenden Henry, the leading expert on peptide science, bringing you another episode of Truth or Lies: The Real Science of Biohacking. Please subscribe and share this video with anyone you care about. Thank you for listening.

Reverse aging with peptidesDunedinPace aging
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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