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blind faith

Blind Faith

February 23, 20246 min read

The scientific field has become inundated with false data and misconducts within practice ¹.

But, why are studies being faked in the first place?


In just one example, big pharma has spent more money on advertising and marketing than they have in actual R&D during covid-19.

And the majority of the members in congress received a check from big pharma during the covid-19 pandemic.¹⁰

So called ‘experts’ or those in the mainstream are doing advertising for those who have money, with big pharma being the biggest example of that.

And the shocking truth is, the advertising does not even need to be based on facts to be promoted.

Have you ever heard the claim, ‘trust the science’?

It sounds like a reasonable thing to do, unless the “science” you are told to trust does not exist. 

I first heard this term around 2020 when health ‘experts’, doctors, lawmakers, and any others who accepted big pharma’s advertising money, were telling me to get the covid 19 vaccine so that I do not kill:

  • my neighbor

  • Grandma

And I was even told by the president of the USA that getting this vaccine was the most patriotic thing I could possibly do…

But, as an engineer, I understand the importance of thinking logically. And I know that it's only possible to think logically when there is no fear or medical gaslighting involved. And so, I took a step back to see what the science actually said.

So I went to Pfizer's actual clinical trials on the covid 19 vaccine, and what I discovered was shocking.

It's never been proven to prevent transmission at all….

All of these 'experts' who were telling us to trust 'the science', were speaking about science that did not even exist.

But it seemed like so many doctors were just accepting these claims as fact. So I kept researching and discovered 2 reasons behind these medical malpractices.

Medical malpractice number 1.

Over 40% of misconducts that have been witnessed by researchers have gone unreported and 17% of surveyed authors of clinical drug trials said they were aware of fabrication in research ².  Now, let's be clear. Scientists are keeping quiet about the fraud that they have witnessed. And the only logical explanation for this, is more bribes. 

Medical malpractice number 2, BLIND FAITH.

In the 80s A doctor renowned for his cancer research wrote a book called “inventing the aids virus”. Duesberg was questioning dr. Anthony Fauci's statement that  “the probable cause of AIDS is HIV”. At the time, it was not well established, and so, like any good doctor, he asked for proof of the claim. He wanted to verify it as true.

Since this was during a time when the internet did not yet exist, he first asked all of his colleagues for proof. Then he called all the other doctors who were studying the topic. Then He attended every seminar with doctors speaking on the topic, and asked them. Years have gone by, and shockingly, not 1 doctor could cite the source of the claim.

But what did all doctors have in common? 1 thing. They all accepted doctor Fauci’s claim as fact¹⁰. Even if it did turn out to be true, the doctors had blind faith in the claim.

And doctors who have blind faith are dangerous….

And look, I have friends who are doctors…

And what I’m going to tell you now is what happens in nearly all medical offices in America. Every week, there will be a beautiful, young, well-dressed woman waiting for the doctor…

She is bringing lunch to the doctors and nurses at the office. And she brings in vouchers for medications, free samples, and all kinds of stuff for the entire staff. Eventually the doctor relies on her to recommend what drugs he is prescribing his patients.

The drug company rep tells the DOCTOR what drugs to prescribe.

And this goes on in almost EVERY medical office in the United States, multiple times a week.

Now this may look like bribery, and it is, yet it’s perfectly legal. And It’s sickening how the drug reps use every trick in the book to incentivize doctors to prescribe more of their drugs, especially the new drugs and the ones with the worst safety records or low effectiveness.

(But, as slimy as big pharma is, I do recognize that they have ‘SOME’ good drugs, like tadalafil, which I have written about HERE, and recommend based on it having a plethora of safety data and ability to improve testosterone levels and cardiovascular health).

In fact, here is how they are using mathematical trickery to fool you

The covid-19 jab was stated to be 95% effective, but according to the results of Pfizer's clinical trials, that was only at reducing feelings of sickness with a positive test. But how did they get 95% efficacy in the first place?

It turns out that only 0.74% of non vaxxed were sick and 0.04 of vaxxed were sick, which leads to an effective difference of 0.7 between the groups.

Then they took 0.7/0.74=94.5% and rounded that up to 95% effective. 

When the actual absolute risk reduction was only 0.7%....

But if they said “It will reduce your risk of feeling sick by 0.7%”, how many people would have got it? You see, this misrepresentation of the data, resulted in making big pharma billions of dollars.

And it wasn't without harm. Not only have millions been injured from these rushed jabs according to a recent study, but the lockdowns that came from governments who admittedly were following the advice and guidance of “healthcare professionals” caused significant harm to the economy. In fact, it destroyed my supply chains that I depended on for my prior engineering business, leading to me losing everything.

So how do you know who you can trust when it comes to recommendations?

Normally, I would recommend you to do your own research, but not everyone has the time and furthermore not everyone knows what to look for. So in that case, find someone you can trust to interpret the data for you.

As a health obsessed engineer with OCD, who has built lifesaving medical equipment at Phillips, one of the largest medical companies in the world, I understand the importance of a close attention to detail.

And as someone who has had family members die at the hands of doctors who had blind faith in fake science, I understand how 1 wrong move could put others lives at risk. So I made it my mission to help others not have to experience such tragedies themselves. 

And this is why I have written the free eBook “Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 Most common Testosterone Supplements” in which I detail risks associated with mainstream claims, like that of Dr. Huberman of Stanford, and many other mainstream influencers….

And it is why I will continue to expose the dangerous pitfalls perpetuated in the mainstream.

So that you can continue to unleash your vigor and conquer your limits,

-Brenden Henry

blind faith
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 Most Common Testosterone Supplements

(Created and proven with the results of 107 scientific studies)

Unleash Your Vigor & Conquer Your Limits!

-Unyielding Vigor

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