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falsified literature

Fraudulent Literature

February 22, 20242 min read


"Trust the science."

It sounds like good advice...

Except when the science is fraudulent.

(Unfortunately, many mainstream sources have been referencing fraudulent or misleading scientific data.)

And 2023 was one of the worst years in history.

In 2023, over 10,000 scientific papers were retracted due to fabrications¹ .

The total number of retractions now exceeds the total number of publications².

And this extends even into the largest universities.

Recently Harvard and Stanford researchers were caught behind a scandal. 

  • 31 papers from a harvard cardiologist were falsified .

  • 37 papers from a harvard cancer researcher were falsified¹¹

  • A neuroscientist from Harvard was caught falsifying data ³.

  • a Harvard professor who studies honesty has falsified many studies .

  • And the president of stanford has recently resigned after a report shows he falsified over a dozen documents

Imagine being a researcher conducting studies based on findings from one of these falsified studies…

And you realize that all of your work was based on a lie…

So why is this happening? 


I mean, it's bad enough that people in the mainstream don’t dive deep enough into the literature before recommending something potentially dangerous to others.

But even the people who have dived deep, it can still be dangerous if they are consuming literature that has unknowingly been falsified and not “YET” retracted.

So how do you know if the literature is falsified? 

You can either trust yourself to decipher them or take advice from someone you trust. As someone who has obsessed over health, every time I look at a study or a topic, I check to make sure everything is in alignment, right down to the smallest detail. And when something doesn't add up with the study or other published data, I catch it. For example, when I was reviewing literature on testosterone boosting supplements that were recommended by others in the mainstream, I discovered dangers that no one has discussed. Stuff that is putting men's health at serious risk And blatantly WRONG information that is being perpetuated based on the claims of “EXPERTS” who people thought they could trust…

It truly is alarming when our male health and well being are on the line.

Which is why I wrote our
FREE Report, on the dangers of the most common testosterone boosters.

And once you get your FREE copy, you will see how mainstream male health influencers are so WRONG.

And you will see why even trusting the conclusion from a full blown meta analysis-the gold standard of literature, can still be misleading unless…

You look at every study that makes up the meta analysis in great detail. 

Because even the researchers can be misleading…

But I catch it and break it down for you in our free report

“Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 most common testosterone supplements”.

Unleash your vigor and conquer your limits,

Brenden Henry

fraudulent literature
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 Most Common Testosterone Supplements

(Created and proven with the results of 107 scientific studies)

Unleash Your Vigor & Conquer Your Limits!

-Unyielding Vigor

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