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How Testosterone Makes Us More Attractive To Women

How Testosterone Makes Us More Attractive To Women

January 30, 20244 min read

How Testosterone Makes Us More Attractive To Women

In my quest to enhance my attractiveness, I discovered the pivotal role of high androgens, particularly during puberty, when skeletal development is most receptive. Implementing various strategies to boost testosterone, reduce estrogen, and enhance androgen receptor sensitivity allowed me to optimize my development, yielding remarkable results.

Through my manipulation of these key mechanisms, I witnessed transformative changes in my bone structure. My jaw and cheekbones became more defined, my voice deepened, and my brow ridge grew more pronounced, significantly enhancing my physical looks.

However, the benefits of elevated testosterone extend beyond puberty.

High testosterone levels confer not only physical attractiveness but also vitality and magnetism, drawing girls to your presence effortlessly.

Discover how testosterone enhances attractiveness in our blog, and take action to obtain the results that will give you the life you've always wanted.


Dimorphism is what sets men and women apart; opposed to having neotenous features.


Androgens, typically when exposed at a younger age, promote masculine dimorphism.

Masculine dimorphic features include a pronounced brow ridge, wide and angular jaw bone, a square chin, sharper cheekbones, thicker and lower set eyebrows.

Testosterone, and other androgens, also deepen the voice in puberty since they increase the diameter of the larynx, creating a wider tube. This causes the vocal cords to thicken and lengthen. A deeper voice is seen as more attractive among women, and gains more respect from male peers ¹.

However, genetics do play a role in how well we respond to androgens, due to the expressions of androgen receptors. That’s not to say more testosterone won’t have any impact tho.

In fact, many endocrine disruptors found in modern society also disrupt androgen receptor functioning. We cover all of these disruptors and how to mitigate/evade the damage in our testosterone maximization course.

Also, just because you see women hyping up feminine pretty boys, doesn’t mean dimorphism doesn’t play a role in attraction. Women are typically crowd followers when it comes to attraction… They are influenced by each other, especially on social media. But in the bedroom, women still have a primal instinct. Higher testosterone individuals have shown to be more desired for a short term relationship (hooking up) and lower test individuals the opposite ².

Skull Development

In puberty, testosterone and other androgenic metabolites play significant roles in the development of specific features of the skull.

Testosterone, but not estrogen, stimulates IGF-1 and IGF-1 receptor gene expression in the mandibular condyle (the jaw “growth plate”) ³.

This means that not only does testosterone play a role in our jaw growth, but the T:E2 ratio also plays a drastic role in how dimorphic our features become during puberty.


A tall, wide, sharp jaw is seen as sexually attractive to women, especially those who are more sexually dimorphic and attractive (high testosterone attracts high estrogen and vice versa- this makes sense to provide balancing forces to produce healthy offspring).

bad jawgood jaw

Testosterone causes the frontal sinus to enlarge and create prominence just above the eyes in the middle of the forehead.

With high testosterone, the overall face width is increased, and thus FWHR (facial width-height ratio). Faces with a larger FWHR were perceived as more aggressive and dominant .


Facial Hair Density

Testosterone has been shown to greatly enhance facial hair density, which is a sexually dimorphic trait .

Females typically respond best to a heavy, dense stubble, although individual preference plays a role as well as their menstrual cycle stages .

Confidence, Dominance & Assertiveness

Testosterone is known to produce a wide array of effects on the brain. Especially when it comes to traits that women seek.

Higher testosterone is associated with increased confidence , which is an important personality trait when pursuing women. Especially since women are more submissive by nature and love it when a man is able to stand out and pursue them no matter what people think.

Testosterone also increases social status and financial risk-taking behaviors. These are advantages for providing resources and status is a sexually attractive trait in males. Testosterone is also correlated with higher conservative opinions, which again has been shown to be more sexually attractive to women. This is because testosterone makes men less likely to comply and submit, as well as increasing leadership abilities.


Increasing our testosterone has a net positive impact on our physical and mental attractiveness, even as a fully grown adult. If you want other ways to become more attractive check out our LooksMaster course.

Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits,

Thomas Muldoon

How testosterone makes us more attractive
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Thomas Muldoon

Since I was a kid, my own personal battles with anxiety and brain fog led me down a rabbit hole of self-improvement. I became obsessed with optimizing my mind, my looks and my masculinity, always looking to get an edge. Today, after meeting thousands of different people across the world and helping hundreds of men better themselves with my advice, I can safely say I’ve got more knowledge in the area of male health optimization than the vast majority of humans on planet Earth. And now, with Unyielding Vigor, I know NOW is the time to begin officially sharing it.

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Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 Most Common Testosterone Supplements

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-Unyielding Vigor

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