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the modern feminization of men

The Modern Feminization of Men

January 22, 20243 min read

The modern feminization of men

In today's fast-paced world, the challenges of maintaining masculine vigor are more daunting than ever. As someone who has navigated these obstacles firsthand, I understand the toll that stress, adversity, and unhealthy habits can take on our well-being.

A few years back, I found myself in a grocery store, surrounded by a sea of masked faces. It was surreal, almost like being transported to another culture. But I was in America, not a foreign land.

Seeing so many men masked up left me pondering a deeper issue – the gradual erosion of behaviors traditionally associated with masculinity.

As I researched further, I uncovered chilling discoveries that could explain this shift.

Which is why I wrote this blog post, "The modern feminization of men" where we explore one of the 3 major factors contributing to the modern struggle for masculine vigor and share insights on how we can triumph over adversity.

Two decades ago, a scientist examining Colorado River bass made a startling discovery – 70% of the male fish had developed female sex organs ¹. Another scientist highlighted similar effects in male alligators from Florida's polluted Lake Apopka, revealing smaller genitals ². Yet another scientist observed undescended testicles and low sperm count in half of male Florida panthers, threatening their extinction ³ with only 30-50 individuals remaining. 


What exactly was found to be the culprit in all 3 of these cases? 

Endocrine disruptors. 

While scientists have known about these endocrine disruptors for years, never had they seen them trigger such radical, shocking sexual mutations.

Endocrine disruptors are one of the key factors driving higher estrogen, lower fertility rates, and lower testosterone levels in men today, and they are everywhere. Let me tell you, the sexual issues you’re having… they’re not just the “stuff” that happens from getting older. In fact, a recent review, found the declining testosterone levels are age INDEPENDANT . They’re the result of a massive, below-the-radar sexual assault by feminizing endocrine disruptors that are coming at you from every angle .

Compared to our parents and grandparents, men today have far lower testosterone levels , lower sperm count , and far higher body fat and more erectile difficulty .

These chemicals harm your health, zap your self-confidence, and make you feel sexually “out to pasture” way before your time.

The problem is not getting older; it's getting sicker….

Have you noticed this recent trend in modern western men becoming more feminine? “Feminizing Hormone Therapy”, is what men do who want to become women (i.e., trans women). It helps them lower their testosterone and raise their estrogen. It causes them to develop breasts, softer skin, and rounder hips. It also leads to decreased muscle mass, fewer erections, and smaller testicles .

I completely support whatever people want to be, but if trans womanhood is not what you signed up for, you should reduce your endocrine disruptor exposure now.

Decide today to STOP the effects of feminizing Endocrine Disruptors and START enjoying the masculine vigor and pleasure you deserve.

Why would you poison yourself unless you are uninformed or don't care about yourself? It's not just about you; it's about the generations of you as well. I started Unyielding Vigor because I realized the threat men are facing in today's world, and how I could help them like I have helped others, by putting my relentless research and pursuit of attaining Ultimate Male Vigor into a full comprehensive and complete solution men can follow to increase their testosterone levels and reclaim their vigor.

We have nearly 100 studies and a comprehensive walkthrough in avoiding EDCs in a module of our Testosterone Maximization course, and that is just one specific module of the complete process.

Unleash Your vigor and Conquer your Limits, 

-Brenden Henry

the modern feminization of men
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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Unleash Your Vigor & Conquer Your Limits!

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