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tadalafil benefits

The Power of Tadalafil

December 27, 20235 min read


If you are a man and you yearn for better, bigger-looking, longer-lasting erections, then you're about to dive into a crucial report.

For many men like myself, the quest for consistent, healthy erections isn't just about sexual satisfaction – it's about preserving a vital aspect of masculinity and overall well-being. 

The reality is stark: the longer men struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED), the greater the risk of losing the ability to achieve satisfying erections altogether. It's a use-it-or-lose-it scenario that underscores the importance of addressing ED head-on.

Furthermore, many men struggle with high blood pressure, with many turning to medications which often inadvertently have a negative effect on erections. 

While it's important to lower high blood pressure to reduce health risks, and because high blood pressure is also a risk factor for ED, I always recommend natural ways for men to lower their blood pressure, so they can reduce their blood pressure medications over time, and even eliminate them. 

However there is 1 medication that does stand out both for lowering blood pressure slightly and for improving erections, vascular health, and muscle growth, which I'll tell you about in a minute if you keep reading. 

But first, ED isn't just a matter of physical performance; its effects permeate every aspect of a man's life. Confidence wanes, self-esteem takes a hit, and relationships strain under the weight of sexual frustration. Partners often bear the brunt of this frustration, leading to stress, blame, and emotional discord.

This sobering reality is something I've heard firsthand and it underscores the urgency of finding effective solutions.

So, that's precisely why I'm eager to delve into this post on tadalafil. It's among the select few pharmaceuticals that I wholeheartedly endorse, yet it often doesn't receive the recognition it deserves. Surprisingly, even many 'experts' remain unaware of its extensive benefits in enhancing male health.

But as a health obsessed engineer (with OCD) and backdoor access to the most cutting-edge scientific literature in the world, I've delved deeper into these topics than most people ever could.

That's why I'm enthusiastic about shedding light on its remarkable potential.

The Power of Tadalafil

Tadalafil, a PDE5 inhibitor, functions by impeding the breakdown of cGMP, facilitating enhanced blood flow through vasodilation. However, the efficacy of tadalafil relies on the sufficient initial production of cGMP. Tadalafil prevents its breakdown, allowing for increased accumulation. Yet, it doesn't directly promote cGMP synthesis, which is contingent upon adequate nitric oxide for its creation.

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Therefore, if nitric oxide is the limiting factor, there are two strategies we can employ to enhance efficacy of tadalafil.

  1. Combining it with l-citrulline malate or l arginine extended release will boost NO production ², consequently increasing cGMP production, while tadalafil will help maintain elevated levels.

  2. Additionally, we can improve the efficiency of NOS and prevent its uncoupling, effectively achieved with antioxidants such as vitamin C, which inhibits nadph oxidase and preserves bh4, a critical cofactor for no synthesis ³.

While tadalafil is renowned for its role in treating erectile dysfunction, its benefits extend beyond. We will delve into the literature on tadalafil in the upcoming sections.

Tadalafil increases testosterone and muscle growth.

When PDE5 is inhibited, cGMP rises, and androgens rise. However, PKG1 and PKG2 are what mediate the effects of cGMP, and Leydig cells express mRNA for both. But inhibiting PKG led to a dose-dependent decrease in androgen production, meaning PKG is necessary for the cGMP-driven rise in androgens .

When Tadalafil activates cGMP-PKG1, it phosphorylates STAR protein, which enhances transport of cholesterol into mitochondria and increases testosterone production in leydig cells .

In leydig cells, PDE5I's also cross interact with PDE8, which are high affinity cAMP specific enzymes, and this leads to an intracellular cAMP increase in leydig cells in addition to the CGMP increase from PDE5I, further facilitating testosterone production . Mice with PDE8 knockout, also have up to 4x more testosterone .

Tadalafil was shown to increase testosterone levels by an impressive 40% in men with metabolic syndrome over time . In a direct comparison with sildenafil, Tadalafil was shown to be superior at increasing testosterone . Tadalafil may also enhance the testosterone-to-estrogen ratio by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme to some extent ¹⁰, which seems to also be the case for sildenafil ¹¹. Tadalafil increases androgen receptor density ¹², while improving lean body mass ¹³.

tadalafil testosterone

Tadalafil improves antioxidants and endothelial function

Furthermore, Tadalafil's attributes extend to stimulating endogenous antioxidant production in muscle cells, cavernous tissue, and lung endothelial cells ¹⁴ ¹⁵ ¹⁶. This seems to be due to hormesis, where exposure to mild stressors induces adaptive responses that confer protection to subsequent more severe stressors. Evidence of this can be seen in lung endothelial cells, in which, tadalafil, by activating the cGMP/PKG1 pathway, enhances the cellular antioxidant defenses, providing protection against oxidative stress-induced damage ¹⁷. This translates to an improvement of endothelial function in humans ¹⁸. Tadalafil also reduces the risk of thromboembolism (blood clots) in males ¹⁹.

A retrospective observational study in men with ED and at least 1 known cardiovascular risk factor found that PDE5I exposure was associated with a 13% lower incidence of major cardiovascular events, 25% lower overall mortality, and 39% lower cardiovascular related mortality compared to those with ED who were not exposed ²⁰.

Tadalafil and the brain

In elderly patients with erectile dysfunction, Tadalafil improves cerebral blood flow in the postcentral gyrus, precuneus, and brainstem, and it enhances cognitive function, as assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score ²¹. Its uncertain if this effect could be achieved in younger men, however tadalafil enhanced working memory in both young and old mice ²².

Tadalafil improves bone strength and wound healing.

Tadalafil increases androgen receptors and decreases aromatase in osteoblast cell lines ²³. Tadalafil enhanced fracture healing in rat femur ²⁴, while improving bone density. It also improved burn wound healing ²⁵.


Tadalafil's safety is well-established, with extensive research showing no long-term risks or adverse effects ²⁶ ²⁷. While generally safe, side effects may include occasional headaches, flushing, and mild exacerbation of rhinitis allergies. You can minimize the chance of side effects by using the minimal effective dose. 


Tadalafil is one of those compounds that will support you on your journey to evolve every day and unleash your inner vigor.

We highly recommend tadalafils combination with our easy two step testosterone method. If you have not yet looked into it, you can access it once you claim your free ebook, "toxic testosterone: the hidden health risks of the 6 most common testosterone supplements" at this link

Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits.

-Brenden Henry

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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 Most Common Testosterone Supplements

(Created and proven with the results of 107 scientific studies)

Unleash Your Vigor & Conquer Your Limits!

-Unyielding Vigor

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