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Why Andrew Huberman is WRONG about this testosterone booster (fadogia agrestis)

Why Andrew Huberman is WRONG about this testosterone booster (fadogia agrestis)

December 16, 20233 min read


All across the world, modern men are dealing with "chemically castrated" levels of low testosterone.

Even young men at 20 years of age are facing an average testosterone level of just 481.5 ng/dl ¹... Which is less than the average testosterone levels of 45 - 71 year-old men back in the 1980's (501 ng/dl ²).

And it's not just younger guys. Many of our clients and subscribers are middle-aged and are noticing significant differences in their masculinity. I see this referenced both in the bedroom and in the weightroom.

And according to a recent poll by a popular YouTuber, most men are reluctant to resort to the unnatural route of testosterone replacement therapy. So, it makes sense to seek out natural methods to boost testosterone.

trt poll

As someone who struggled with low testosterone in my mid-20s just a few years ago, I've explored every natural method out there – either by trying it myself or researching extensively. 

And being a health obsessed engineer (with OCD) and backdoor access to the most cutting-edge scientific literature in the world, I've delved deeper into these topics than most people ever could.

However, at the beginning of my journey, I made a foolish mistake: I tried fadogia agrestis based on recommendations from reputable gurus like neuroscientist Andrew Huberman at Stanford.

While I initially experienced a surge in my libido, I also experienced increased heart rate and testicular pain. I brushed it off, but then my libido waned, so I decided to stop taking it. I wanted long-term solutions, not short-term fixes.

And it's not just me. Many other men have publicly come out complaining about side effects from fadogia. On top of that, when I looked into the actual SCIENCE behind fadogia and discovered the proof, not only was I shocked, I felt a huge wave of relief that I'd quit when I did...

That's why I'm sharing this scientifically backed article breaking down the DANGERS surrounding fadogia. I hope it helps you bypass one of the many landmines out there laid out by mainstream sources.

Now, more than ever, men need masculine vigor. It's my duty to share my knowledge and experiences to steer you away from pitfalls and help you evolve every day to conquer your limits.

Heres why:

Fadogia agrestis has raised significant concerns due to its potential negative impact on liver and kidney function when administered to rats over a 28-day period ³.The doses of 18, 50, and 100 mg/kg exhibited leydig cell toxicity in rats during the same timeframe, with only the 18 mg/kg dose cohort showing recovery during the study window .

Conducting a rough estimation of the human equivalent dose(HED) using: HED (mg/kg) = Animal Dose (mg/kg) × (Animal Km / Human Km)

Where for rats km=6 and for human km=37 we derive:

HED (mg/kg) = 18 mg/kg × (6 / 37) ≈ 2.91 mg/kg 

HED (mg/kg) = 50 mg/kg × (6 / 37) ≈ 8.06 mg/kg

HED (mg/kg) = 100 mg/kg × (6 / 37) ≈ 16.21 mg/kg

Therefore, for a 70 kg human, we can convert all toxic doses as follows:




Based on this, we can consider that around 200 mg may not lead to permanent damage in a 70kg human. However, most products contain 400-800 mg of this herb. The question arises: is this dosage safe?

Additionally, it is noteworthy that out of 17 tested fadogia supplements, only 12 contained phenolic compounds, suggesting that at least 5 were potentially counterfeit . Furthermore, another study assessing fadogia agrestis supplements using hptlc found that 4 of the tested products were questionable and may potentially contain another plant .


If you have fell trap to the fadogia scam just remember that every setback is a setup for a greater comeback. I am here to help you unleash your vigor and conquer your limits.

-Brenden Henry

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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 Most Common Testosterone Supplements

(Created and proven with the results of 107 scientific studies)

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