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why most men fail to reach potential

Why Most Men Fail to reach Potential

December 16, 202318 min read

"First, you build your habits, and then your habits build you." 


-Mastering habit creation: effortlessly achieve your goals

-From triggers to triumph: unleash potential through habits

-Overcoming challenges: the x factor for success

-Applying principles to transform your life: my journey & your path

-Propelling success: mastering momentum for sustainable growth

-Unleashing potential for lasting success

Personal setbacks such as failing out of college and overcoming setbacks in business, form the bedrock for my core belief that "Every Setback is a Setup for a Greater Comeback. - Brenden Henry

Mastering Habit Creation: Effortlessly Achieve your goals

Do you often rely on willpower to achieve your goals, only to be disappointed when it fails you? Have you ever started a program only to fall off later?

In this chapter, we will delve into the art of mastering habit creation, which is the key to achieving your goals effortlessly and maintaining long-term success. You'll discover that it's not about relying on motivation, but rather embracing consistency to make significant strides in your life.

1. Embrace Consistency, Not Motivation

At some point in our lives, we've all fallen into the trap of using excuses like "I don't have time," "I'm too busy," or "I'm just not motivated." I've been there, and I understand how this slippery slope can quickly spiral out of control if we're not careful.

But here's the truth: People who have achieved impressive feats aren't less busy, more disciplined, or superhuman. They have simply learned the art of manipulating their environment, habits, and lifestyle to make what's important to them a regular part of their day-to-day routine.

2. The Power of Habits Over Motivation

Motivation is overrated and fleeting. If you rely solely on motivation to get yourself to do something, you're setting yourself up for failure from the start. Motivation comes and goes, but habits and routines last.

Think about a prime example: getting up to go to work in the morning. There are probably days when you don't feel motivated to go to work, yet you do it anyway. Why? Because going to work and earning money has become a priority in your life. It's a habit, a routine, and part of your identity. You've set standards for yourself that make earning a living a priority, even on days when motivation is lacking.

3. Prioritize Health and Fitness

Your health and fitness should take on a similar level of importance in your life. After all, you could have all the money in the world, but if you're in poor health, it won't mean much if you can't physically enjoy it.

In this article, we'll explore the immense power of habits, the habit creation process, and how you can apply it to any goals for long-term success.

Practical Exercise: Reflect and Act

Take a moment to reflect on areas in your life where you've relied on motivation but struggled to maintain progress. Now, think about one goal that is important to you, whether it's related to health, fitness, personal growth, or any other aspect of your life.

Action Step: Write down the specific actions you can turn into habits to achieve this goal. Consider triggers that will prompt you to take action, the actions you'll perform, and the rewards you'll enjoy. Commit to embracing consistency over motivation in pursuing this goal.

By implementing these insights and exercises into your life, you'll be on your way to mastering the art of habit creation and setting the foundation for a transformative journey toward success.

In the next chapter, we'll dive deeper into the process of habit creation, exploring the three essential steps of trigger, action, and reward. Get ready to unleash your potential through the power of habits.

From triggers to trump: unleash your potential through habits

Habits have an incredible power to create subconscious patterns that guide our actions. Think about the last time you put on your shoes or got into the driver's seat of a car – you likely did these actions without even thinking about them. These are ingrained habits that have become an integral part of our lives. Instead of relying solely on sheer willpower, we can harness the magic of habit creation to effortlessly achieve our goals. By cultivating positive habits, we can shape our daily routines and pave the way for long-term success. This chapter explores the three-step process of creating habits: trigger, action, and reward.

1. Create a Trigger

To initiate a habit, establish a specific cue that prompts you to take action. For instance, after waking up each morning and walking into the kitchen, you might make it a point to prepare a healthy breakfast. Here, getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen serves as a trigger for the action of making a nutritious meal. Another example could be using a certain room in your house with a pull-up bar – every time you walk in or out of that room, you commit to doing a set of pull-ups.

2. Perform the Action

Once the trigger occurs, it's time to perform the action associated with the habit. In the morning scenario, this would be physically making yourself a healthy breakfast upon walking into the kitchen. Similarly, in the pull-up example, you perform a set of pull-ups each time you enter that specific room.

3. Enjoy the Reward

Every habit needs a reward – a positive outcome that reinforces the behavior. Consistently having a healthy breakfast rewards you with improved metabolism, sustained energy levels throughout the day, and better cognitive function. In the case of doing pull-ups, the reward could be maintaining or increasing your pull-up capacity, depending on your overall workout routine. By consistently repeating these habits, you have managed to improve your vigor and create a positive feedback loop.

Practical Exercise: Identify Triggers and Rewards

Take a moment to identify one positive habit you'd like to cultivate in your life, whether it's related to health, fitness, personal development, or any other aspect of your well-being.

Action Step: Write down the trigger you can associate with this habit and the specific action you'll take when the trigger occurs. Also, identify the rewards you'll enjoy as a result of consistently performing the action. Commit to this process of habit creation and leverage the power of triggers and rewards to ensure the habit sticks.

In the upcoming chapter, we'll address the challenges that may arise during your habit formation journey and provide valuable strategies to overcome them. Remember, habits are the cornerstone of success, and by mastering them, you unleash your true potential for lasting triumph.

Overcoming challenges: The X Factor For Success

Believing in yourself is the most crucial step towards achieving results. People often judge you based on your current position, but their assessment doesn't define your true potential. Don't let one comment or setback deter you from trying. Your journey is about unlocking your hidden potential, and I'm here to help you realize that potential if you keep reading.

Challenges and Obstacles: Maintaining Momentum for Long-Term Success

In the pursuit of your goals, challenges and obstacles are bound to arise. It's essential to address these roadblocks to maintain your momentum and achieve lasting success. Let's say something unexpected comes up, and you stumble, falling off track with your habit. The key to success lies in how quickly you get back on course. A common trap people fall into is scheduling a specific day to get back on track. However, waiting too long can lead to losing progress and falling further away from your goal. Momentum can work both ways; just as you can create a positive habit, you can also break it. Consistency is the most crucial factor in overcoming challenges.

The Phantom of Fear

Imagine a scenario where you plan to take a vacation in two months. Now, picture yourself suddenly standing on train tracks with a train hurtling towards you. In such a situation, your mind instinctively prioritizes the imminent danger posed by the approaching train. Similarly, when embarking on a new endeavor, a metaphorical train called "the threat of failure" may seem to barrel towards you. Fear of failure can become a significant hindrance to achieving your goals. To make progress, it becomes essential to consciously choose not to dwell on this fear and instead focus on your journey towards success.

The Phantom of Doubt

Believing in your limited potential can lead to unsatisfactory outcomes. Doubts, including thoughts of past disappointments, can trap you within perceived limitations. This learned helplessness stifles personal growth and obstructs your path to success.

On the other hand, nurturing a deep belief in your immense potential can be transformative. With unwavering faith in your capabilities, you will be compelled to take bold and positive actions. Each step forward will propel you closer to your desired outcomes, igniting a profound sense of achievement. Success will no longer remain a distant dream but instead become a tangible reality, reinforcing your own abilities.

Practical Exercise: Conquering Fear and Doubt

Identify one specific fear or doubt that has held you back from pursuing a particular goal or habit.

Action Step: Write down this fear or doubt on one side of a piece of paper. On the other side, counteract it with a positive affirmation that reinforces your belief in your potential to overcome this obstacle. For example:

Fear/Doubt: "I'm not good enough to start my own business."

Affirmation: "I possess the skills and determination to learn and succeed in my entrepreneurial journey."

Whenever you encounter this fear or doubt, refer to the positive affirmation to remind yourself of your capabilities.

In the upcoming chapter, we'll delve deeper into practical strategies to maintain consistency and momentum, ensuring that challenges do not hinder your progress. Remember, overcoming obstacles is an integral part of the journey towards success. By cultivating a strong belief in your potential and staying consistent, you can break free from limitations and forge your path towards triumph.

Applying principles to transform your life: my journey & your path

Fitness and nutrition are foundational elements for achieving your highest level of vigor. In this chapter, I will share how I applied the habit creation process to my fitness and nutrition goals and guide you on how to do the same.

Scheduling Workouts for Success

One of the essential aspects of cultivating positive fitness habits is to schedule your workouts in advance. By doing so, you create a trigger that prompts you to take action and prioritize physical activity. Treat this schedule as a non-negotiable appointment with yourself. Dedicate specific time slots in your weekly schedule for exercise and honor these commitments.

Action Step: Take out your weekly calendar or planner and allocate specific time slots for your workouts. Treat these time slots as sacred and prioritize them as you would any other important commitment.

Tracking Progress for Motivation

To stay motivated and track your progress, maintain a simple log of your workouts. You can use a notepad document on your phone or a dedicated fitness app for this purpose. Include details such as the exercises you perform, the number of sets and reps, and any goals you aim to achieve in each workout.

Action Step: Create a workout log template on your phone or in a notebook. Include sections for exercises, sets, reps, and goals. Update this log after each workout to track your progress and hold yourself accountable.

Monitoring Body Weight

Tracking your body weight can also be a helpful tool in assessing your progress. Keep in mind that day-to-day fluctuations are normal, so aim to weigh yourself at the same time each day to maintain consistency.

Action Step: Set a specific time for weighing yourself each morning (preferably without clothes) and record the measurements in your log. Remember that weight is just one aspect of progress, and other factors like strength, energy levels, and overall well-being are equally important.

Adjusting for Optimal Performance

Regularly reviewing your workout log and body weight data allows you to gauge your performance over time. If you notice any plateaus or areas for improvement, don't hesitate to make necessary adjustments. This may include modifying your training routine, recovery practices, or meal plan.

Action Step: At the end of each week, review your workout log and assess your progress. Identify any patterns or areas where you can improve. Based on your findings, make specific adjustments to your fitness routine to keep challenging yourself.

Starting Small with Breakfast Habits

In addition to fitness, nutrition plays a vital role in your overall well-being. Begin your day with a balanced and nourishing breakfast to set a positive tone and provide your body with essential nutrients for optimal performance and productivity.

Action Step: Design a morning routine that includes preparing and enjoying a balanced breakfast. Your trigger can be walking into the kitchen each morning, and the reward is improved metabolism and sustained energy throughout the day.

Remember, transformation begins with consistent, small changes. By scheduling your workouts, tracking your progress, and nurturing positive nutrition habits, you lay the foundation for lasting change. The journey to vigor is not about quick fixes; it's a lifelong commitment to your well-being. The practices you embrace today will become the stepping stones to your future success. In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into harnessing momentum for sustainable growth and long-term transformation.

Propelling success: mastering momentum for sustainable growth

Momentum is a powerful force that can propel you towards success. In this chapter, we will explore how habits can create positive momentum in your life, and how you can leverage this momentum to achieve sustainable growth and transformation.

Building Momentum with Small Habits

As we've discussed earlier, starting with small, easy habits can be the key to building momentum. These habits act as stepping stones towards your fitness and nutrition goals. By consistently practicing these habits, you create a positive cycle of achievement, which encourages you to take on more challenges and adopt additional positive behaviors.

Action Step: Identify one or two small habits related to fitness or nutrition that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. It could be something as simple as drinking a glass of water in the morning or going for a short walk after dinner. Commit to these habits daily, and watch as they build momentum for more significant changes.

Breaking Free from Excuses

Excuses are the barriers that stand between you and your goals. The "I don't have time" or "I'm too busy" mentality can hinder your progress. Acknowledge that life will always present challenges, but it's essential to overcome these obstacles rather than letting them derail your efforts.

Action Step: Take a moment to reflect on common excuses that have prevented you from prioritizing fitness and nutrition. Write them down and challenge each excuse with a counter-argument. For example, if you think you don't have time to work out, remind yourself that even short, focused workouts can make a significant impact on your health.

Shifting from Motivation to Habits

Relying solely on motivation to exercise can lead to inconsistent efforts. Motivation is transient, and there will be days when you feel less inspired to work out. However, habits and routines provide a stable foundation for your fitness journey.

Action Step: Instead of waiting for motivation to strike, commit to your fitness and nutrition habits regardless of your current mood. Remind yourself of the long-term benefits and the positive momentum you're building with each consistent action.

Drawing Parallels with Work Habits

Consider the dedication you put into going to work every day, even when motivation is low. The same principle applies to your health and fitness. By adopting a similar mindset for your well-being, you can make fitness and nutrition a regular part of your life.

Action Step: Recognize the work ethic and commitment you demonstrate in your professional life and channel that same energy into your health and fitness pursuits. Just as you show up for work daily, show up for your workouts and prioritize your nutrition consistently.

Balancing Wealth and Health

While financial success is vital, remember that good health is the foundation that enables you to enjoy life fully. No amount of wealth can compensate for poor health.

Action Step: Reevaluate your priorities and make a conscious effort to strike a balance between work, financial pursuits, and your health. Incorporate fitness and nutrition into your daily routine to ensure your well-being remains a top priority.

Conclusion: Embrace the Power of Momentum

Mastering momentum is the key to sustainable growth and transformation. By starting with small habits, breaking free from excuses, and shifting from motivation to consistent habits, you can harness the power of momentum to achieve your fitness and nutrition goals. Remember, just as you navigate challenges and stay committed in your professional life, you can do the same for your well-being. The journey to a healthier and more vibrant life begins with momentum, and it's a journey well worth embarking on. In the next chapter, we will delve into overcoming self-doubt and unlocking your true potential for lasting success.

Unleashing potential for lasting success

In this chapter, we will delve deeper into the potential that lies within you to achieve lasting success through the power of habits. You will discover how to tap into this potential, embrace consistency and discipline, and overcome challenges with a positive mindset.

Harnessing the Power of Habits for Transformation

Habits are not just simple routines; they are powerful tools that can transform your life. By intentionally incorporating positive habits into your daily routines, you can break free from the constant struggle of relying on willpower alone. Instead, you'll effortlessly progress towards your goals and aspirations.

Action Step: Identify key areas in your life where you want to see improvement. It could be related to your health, relationships, career, or personal growth. Then, choose specific habits that align with these areas and commit to incorporating them into your daily life.

Prioritizing What Truly Matters

Success is not exclusive to the super motivated or those with ample free time. It's about consciously deciding what truly matters to you and making it a priority in your life. By focusing on your chosen goals and consistently practicing the right habits, you can overcome obstacles and shape the life you desire.

Action Step: Reflect on what truly matters to you and what you want to achieve in the long term. Align your goals with your values and beliefs, and use this clarity to guide your habit-building process.

Consistency and Discipline: The Backbone of Lasting Change

Motivation may inspire you to start, but it's consistency and discipline that will keep you going. Embrace the daily grind, understanding that the small, consistent actions you take are the building blocks of significant achievements.

Action Step: Cultivate a sense of discipline by setting clear daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Create a schedule that incorporates your chosen habits and stick to it, even on days when motivation is lacking.

Embracing a Positive Mindset

Maintaining a positive mindset is essential for habit formation and long-term success. There will be times when you stumble, encounter setbacks, or face challenges. It's crucial to view these moments as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than reasons to give up.

Action Step: Practice self-compassion and avoid self-criticism. When faced with challenges, ask yourself what lessons you can take from the experience to improve your approach moving forward.

Bouncing Back from Setbacks

Setbacks are a natural part of any journey, but what matters most is how quickly you can recover and get back on track. Avoid waiting for the perfect moment or scheduling a specific day to restart; take immediate action to regain momentum.

Action Step: When you encounter setbacks, don't dwell on them. Instead, adopt a "quick recovery" mindset, acknowledging the setback, learning from it, and immediately recommitting to your habits.

The Unstoppable Power of Habits

Just as the Colorado River carved through mountains to create the grand canyon, you too possess the unstoppable power of habits. With consistency, discipline, and a positive mindset, you can overcome any metaphorical mountain on your path to success.

Action Step: Embrace the transformative power of habits and let them become an integral part of your life. Trust in the process and focus on progress, not perfection.

Conclusion: Unleash Your Full Potential

The journey to lasting success is within your reach. By understanding the power of habits, prioritizing what truly matters to you, and embracing consistency and discipline, you can unleash your full potential. Embrace a positive mindset, learn from setbacks, and keep moving forward. Remember, you are not bound by your past; you have the power to shape your future through the habits you cultivate today. Your journey towards lasting success is an adventure worth pursuing, and the tools you need are already within you.

In the next and final chapter, we will provide an exclusive invitation for further growth and development.


Congratulations on making it this far! You've taken a crucial step towards transforming your life through the power of habits. If you have a desire for more self improvement, keep reading.

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Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits,

Brenden henry

why most men failbuild your habits
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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