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Ashwagandha dna damage

Ashwagandha Damages DNA

December 29, 20235 min read

Ashwagandha Damages DNA

All across the world, modern men are dealing with "chemically castrated" levels of low testosterone.

Even young men at 20 years of age are facing an average testosterone level of just 481.5 ng/dl ¹... Which is less than the average testosterone levels of 45 - 71 year-old men back in the 1980's (501 ng/dl ²).

But it's not just younger guys. Many of our clients and subscribers are middle-aged and are noticing significant differences in their masculinity. I see this referenced both in the bedroom and in the weight room.

Despite this, according to a recent poll by a popular YouTuber, most men are reluctant to resort to the unnatural route of testosterone replacement therapy. So, it makes sense to seek out natural methods to boost testosterone.

trt poll

As someone who struggled with low testosterone in my mid-20s just a few years ago, I've explored every natural method out there – either by trying it myself or researching extensively. 

And being a health obsessed engineer (with OCD) and subscriptions to the most cutting-edge scientific journals in the world, I've delved deeper into these topics than most people ever could.

However, it was during my pursuit of a natural supplement to alleviate my depression, that I first discovered ashwagandha based on glowing recommendations from reputable YouTube influencers who touted its benefits for depression and testosterone levels.

Upon starting an ashwagandha supplement, I quickly began experiencing unsettling symptoms. One day, while riding in a car with my grandmother, I noticed an unusual level of frustration building within me, escalating throughout the day. Alarmed by my uncharacteristic emotions and keen to avoid any potential harm, I decided to discontinue the ashwagandha supplement immediately and isolate myself in my house until I was feeling back to normal. 

It wasn't until years later that I uncovered the true implications of my experience. Ashwagandha affects the serotonin system, particularly the 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 receptors, akin to SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) – the most common antidepressant medications. This similarity can lead to side effects like apathy and diminished sexual functioning. What's more, SSRIs may potentially induce PSSD (Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction), a condition recognized by European agencies but not yet acknowledged in the US.

However, the most alarming discovery came when I stumbled upon evidence showing that ashwagandha causes DNA damage.

Driven by a profound sense of duty to protect men from potential harm, I am compelled to share this scientifically backed article, shedding light on the hidden dangers of Ashwagandha. My hope is that by raising awareness, I can assist men in navigating the perilous landscape of testosterone-boosting supplements and empower them to make informed choices for their health and masculine vigor, enabling them to evolve every day and conquer their limits.


Ashwagandha has gained popularity as an herb for boosting testosterone, as evidenced by it being in so many products, but it barely increases testosterone, with the average being 13.03% across 4 studies ³ . More importantly, it comes with severe dangers such as DNA damage which you will see below.

Concerns surrounding Ashwagandha

-DNA damage and liver toxicity.

One of the withanolides, 'withanone,' the main secondary metabolite of Ashwagandha extract, has been classified as a toxicophore since it forms non-labile adducts with various nucleosides, amines, and DNA, which can disrupt DNA function and cause mutations .

DNA mutations could lead to cancer.

In mammalian cells, transfecting cells with withanone-treated DNA led to a decrease in gene expression and treating DNA with withanone and then trying to transform E. coli cells resulted in fewer colonies. The adduct formation can also overwhelm the protective system in cells if glutathione levels are low, as glutathione is crucial for detoxification. This situation could lead to apoptosis or a cytotoxic effect. This might be why we see some case reports of liver damage or failure ¹⁰. Having elevated glutathione levels may counteract this toxic effect, perhaps explaining why everyone doesn't get liver damage .



Thyroid Impact

The impact of Ashwagandha on thyroid function has been noted ¹¹ showing an increase of T4/T3, potentially benefiting those with reduced thyroid function, such as in subclinical hypothyroidism ¹². However, for individuals with normal to high thyroid levels, this modulation could potentially lead to hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, as some case studies have shown ¹³ ¹⁴ ¹⁵. While case studies are scientifically considered to be of low quality, it is worth mentioning since the mechanism on the thyroid is well-established.


Chronic use of ashwagandha can result in super sensitivity of the 5-HT2A postsynaptic receptors and enhanced 5-HT1A function ¹⁶. This likely means increased postsynaptic 5-HT1A serotonin release, which may be attributed to desensitization of the 5-HT1A auto receptor. Considering that this effect takes 4-8 weeks to manifest, it draws close similarities with SSRIs in observable effects and mechanistic action, as noted by the researchers. While this has the potential to benefit depression and anxiety, it may also lead to anhedonic symptoms common with this mechanism of action, aligning with some anecdotes. It may also cause PSSD, symptoms, similar to SSRI's, in which you are left with no sex drive after, as one of the theories behind this is the desensitized 5ht1a auto receptor ¹⁷.


While ashwagandha may have a modest impact on testosterone levels, its potential for causing DNA damage, liver injury, thyrotoxicosis, and inducing anhedonia or apathy, possibly through its influence on 5HT1A, underscores that there are vastly superior options for increasing testosterone levels.

Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits,

-Brenden Henry

Ashwagandha dna damageAshwagandha side effects
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 Most Common Testosterone Supplements

(Created and proven with the results of 107 scientific studies)

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-Unyielding Vigor

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