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Life Before Birth: Prenatal Exposure's Impact on Future Outcomes

Life Before Birth: Prenatal Exposure's Impact on Future Outcomes

April 14, 20244 min read

Life Before Birth: Prenatal Exposure's Impact on Future Outcomes

Our health and appearance both begin when we are in the womb.

Prenatal exposure, the myriad of influences encountered by the developing fetus, shapes the foundation of future health and vitality (even our looks and behaviors!). From the nutrients ingested by the mother to environmental factors and maternal behaviors, every element interplays intricately, imprinting its mark on the budding life within.

I would urge you to share this blog with anyone planning on having kids in the near future and pregnant mothers, since we can’t rewind our own beginnings.

But despite that, we can still unlock the vigor that lies untapped within us (and none of us have reached this potential). That’s why we created this business in the first place.

Prenatal Testosterone

Divergence in testosterone levels between male and female fetuses emerges as early as the eighth week of gestation. This discrepancy plays a pivotal role in shaping the development of both genitalia and brain structures towards masculinity during the prenatal period. Male fetuses exhibit notably elevated levels of testosterone compared to their female counterparts, with males also displaying a wider range of variation in these levels.


Source- ¹

This not only plays a role in differences between genders, but also varying levels cause differences within genders.

Prenatal testosterone has been shown to influence things such as facial masculinity, sexual orientation and gender identity ². High prenatal T may also increase the risk of some neurological disorders, such as autism ¹.

When it comes to looks, prenatal testosterone plays quite a drastic role, as the testosterone levels in umbilical cord blood is substantially correlated with facial dimorphism in adulthood .

(n = 86; r = 0.55)

prenatal testosterone faces

More specific features that pT influences include a wider nose width, shorter upper lip height, nasal tip protrusion, eyebrow thickness and shape, and even skin tone. Females with higher pT also had a similar correlation and had more masculine features compared to other female counterparts.

However, a downside to having high pT is the correlation it presents with attention disorders in toddlers . However, attention is something that can be trained and mastered through other means.

People also seem to believe the 2D:4D finger digit ratio is a good way of measuring pT, however it is not the case .

So, what factors influence pT levels?

It boils down to 3 main factors:

  • Maternal age ¹ -(older mom typically means lower pT)

  • Spacing of births 

  • Genetics ofc

prenatal testosterone first born

While having pT seems like a cheat-code for men, it’s important to note that genetics are complicated and having high pT doesn’t automatically dispose you to becoming a wide-framed chad with a massive penis. There is a complex interaction of a whole range of genes.

BPA and toxin exposure in the womb

In the modern world, we are being BOMBARDED with chemical warfare. Plastics, pesticides, heavy metals and all sorts of other toxins are being exposed to our bodies left, right and center. So it shouldn’t come to a surprise that these chemicals leach into our prenatal environments- microplastics have even been discovered in human placenta .

Another study showed that polystyrene nanoplastics given to pregnant mice ended up in the liver, kidney, heart, lungs and brain of their offspring .

Plastics are also well known to be incredibly estrogenic, and this is a massive issue for those in the womb; even in small quantities.

"Chemicals having estrogenic activity (EA) reportedly cause many adverse health effects, especially at low (picomolar to nanomolar) doses in fetal and juvenile mammals.

Almost all commercially available plastic products we sampled—independent of the type of resin, product, or retail source—leached chemicals having reliably detectable EA, including those advertised as BPA free. In some cases, BPA-free products released chemicals having more EA than did BPA-containing products." ¹⁰

In a Chinese birth cohort, high prenatal PFAS exposure and low maternal vitamin D levels collectively increase risk of adverse child neurodevelopment ¹¹.

prenatal testosterone vitamin D

Animal Protein

The amount of protein consumed during pregnancy, animal protein in particular, plays a role in our looks. In particular, our bone development.

animal protein prenatal

Source- ¹².

While we can’t rewind time and tell our parents to eat more protein, we can still take actionable steps to improve our looks.

That’s where Looksmaster comes into play.

I’ve constructed a detailed guide that takes into account EVERY factor of facial attractiveness and exactly what you can do to make sure you have it all optimized.

This gives YOU the control to improve your appearance and become an attractive man that automatically garners respect from male peers and desire from women.

Check out Looksmaster if you want to ascend.

Unlock Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits!

Thomas Muldoon

life before birth prenatal exposures impact on future outcomesprenatal testosterone
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Thomas Muldoon

Since I was a kid, my own personal battles with anxiety and brain fog led me down a rabbit hole of self-improvement. I became obsessed with optimizing my mind, my looks and my masculinity, always looking to get an edge. Today, after meeting thousands of different people across the world and helping hundreds of men better themselves with my advice, I can safely say I’ve got more knowledge in the area of male health optimization than the vast majority of humans on planet Earth. And now, with Unyielding Vigor, I know NOW is the time to begin officially sharing it.

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Toxic Testosterone: The Hidden Health Risks of the 6 Most Common Testosterone Supplements

(Created and proven with the results of 107 scientific studies)

Unleash Your Vigor & Conquer Your Limits!

-Unyielding Vigor

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