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Sunlight Isn't The Enemy

Sunlight Isn't The Enemy

March 29, 20243 min read

Sunlight isn't the enemy

We have been brainwashed to become deathly afraid of spending time in the sun, due to concerns of skin cancer and photoaging. However, even if there is some small harm from excessively PROLONGED sun exposure, we shouldn’t hide away like vampires- as obtaining full spectrum sunlight holds many benefits that we can utilize. Just load up on carotenoids and wear some mineral sunscreen after a while if you are prone to burning.

Not to mention everyone looks better when they aren’t ghostly pale and have the golden caramel glow- a simple looksmax for all of us to utilize. I myself have noticed this and taken advantage while on my journey to ascend.


(We have a whole course dedicated to looksmaxing- HERE)

And a lot of these benefits cannot be replicated with any other form of light. Full-spectrum sunlight contains UVB, UVA, IRA, red light and blue light.

full spectrumskinlight

Without the sun there would be no life forms, so it shouldn’t be questionable that it impacts our biology.

Sunlight regulates CIRCADIAN RHYTHM

It’s well known that a healthy circadian rhythm and sleep schedule is vital for our health and vigor.

Sunlight is one of the most crucial factors for regulating this rhythm as it is literally the only visual indicator of whether it is daytime or night time. 

When we view sunlight, especially during sunrise and sunset, we are helping our brain to recognize and align with the natural pattern that we are supposed to follow. This leads to a myriad of direct and indirect health benefits- each wavelength of light activates or deactivates different functions in our body through photoreceptors in the eyes and skin, along with the suprachiasmatic nucleus, SCN ¹.


source- ²


Source- ³

I recommend exposing yourself to the sun as soon as you wake up- the earlier the better.



As shown in the diagram above, there is a ‘dead zone’, where sunlight has less of an effect on the circadian rhythm. This is typically from 10am to 3pm. However, this period can still be utilized to increase vitamin D3.


Sunlight exposure has been linked to an increase in cognition, with a study among Finnish residents . And these changes seem to take time to build up as well.


UVA rays have also been shown to stimulate direct nitric oxide release, unrelated to vitamin d3 since that only occurs through UVB. This increased blood flow can enhance cerebral perfusion, delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the brain, thereby improving cognitive function. Furthermore, the additional synthesized NO may lead to higher dopamine than through supplementation due to the added mechanism .


Due to the increased NO, obtaining some sunlight may also benefit people with ED or people wanting to enhance their erections. The D3 synthesis is also crucial for androgenic and sexual activity beyond nitric oxide.

Furthermore, UVB has been shown to increase circulating sex hormones, enhance female attractiveness and receptiveness towards males, as well as increasing females’ estrus phase, HPG axis hormones and follicle growth . This appears to be mediated by p53 activity.


Sunlight is also associated with dopamine. In this study , those with higher exposure to sunlight had a much greater striatal D2/D3 receptor availability compared to those with low sunlight exposure.


While blue light helps to maintain normal biological rhythms, excessive blue light radiation may induce an array of health issues. Staring at a screen for hours daily is not at all natural or healthy for us. 

First of all, blue light has been shown to accelerate vitreous degeneration , leading to an increased presence of floaters.


Blue light at night also messes up melatonin synthesis, one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body. This may lead to worsened health directly from lower concentrations of melatonin and also indirectly from decreased sleep duration/quality.

It may even be worsening your hairloss to a degree ¹⁰:


Blue light from the sun is already sufficient, so try to avoid screen usage as much as possible. You can install a blue light blocking filter such as f.lux.

Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer your limits!

Thomas Muldoon

sunlight isn't the enemysunlight regulates circadian rhythm
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Thomas Muldoon

Since I was a kid, my own personal battles with anxiety and brain fog led me down a rabbit hole of self-improvement. I became obsessed with optimizing my mind, my looks and my masculinity, always looking to get an edge. Today, after meeting thousands of different people across the world and helping hundreds of men better themselves with my advice, I can safely say I’ve got more knowledge in the area of male health optimization than the vast majority of humans on planet Earth. And now, with Unyielding Vigor, I know NOW is the time to begin officially sharing it.

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