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I Wake Up Every Morning with No Energy, Scrolling on My Phone in Bed for Ages. How Can This Be Fixed?

January 24, 20245 min read

I Wake Up Every Morning with No Energy, Scrolling on My Phone in Bed for Ages. How Can This Be Fixed?


Our days are limited, and how we begin each morning shapes the tone for the rest of the day. I used to wake up burdened by the previous day's issues, scrolling through a sea of news negativity and social media sensationalism.

social media bed

It was a wasted effort that hindered positivity and focus. Let's explore how to fix this morning energy drain.

A Challenge of Self-Reflection:

Realizing my morning routine left me feeling unambitious, complacent, and overwhelmed, I took a hard look at my habits. Waking up to the world's problems and endless social media scrolling wasn't the best use of my early moments, it was making me miserable.

I decided to break free from this cycle. I started by removing the news section and social media apps from my phone. The constant stream of negativity had to go. I kept only the essential communication app for business and research, Discord. But I knew I needed more...

Morning Routine Hack: How I Keep My Motivation Levels Up Each Day NOW:

I am a strong believer that Mornings are incredibly precious, and so is our health. If we aren't healthy and well, we can't possibly be of much use to anyone else. Therefore, my morning routine is based around taking care of myself and setting the stage for a productive, energy rich, motivating day ahead. 

Just like our fitness journey takes consistency and discipline, our morning routines lay the foundation for lasting change. Small changes quickly build up to larger lifestyle habits that make a real difference.

The very first thing I do is get up and have a glass of either filtered lemon water or coconut water. Then I take my supplements…


If you are curious, these are the same ones I mention in our dopamine maximization course. These give me motivation and drive as I Think of all the things I want to do on that day. I Create a mental list of tasks, goals, and outcomes I would like to achieve if all goes well. 

Exercise is a great way to get endorphins going, which will synergize with my supplements, providing a solid energy boost, better mood, focus, and productivity, and reducing my stress levels. I will be feeling good knowing that I am taking care of my health and well-being. Prioritizing wellness saves you time from illness, a lesson I have learned the hard way when I developed an unhealthy weed and alcohol addiction in the past…

So even if it's going for a walk outside in the morning rather than a full-blown workout, let it be something to get your mind right. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing when it comes to your health and wellness.


The key to motivation and happiness

I am sure we have all seen someone on social media who appears to be doing better than us.

If we compare them to ourselves, we may think, 'They really have life figured out, what is the trick?' But the truth is, no one ever has everything figured out. As men, we are always learning and having new experiences, and that continues throughout our entire lives…

But there are some things I have learned over the years that are absolutely fundamental for a successful and happy life, and that most happy people have in common. Let's assume you have health, family, friends, and some financial security, which are bare basics needed for long-term happiness.

Three things you should strive for are:

1. Purpose:

The concept of having a mission and challenge in life is important. Not everyone has this figured out from day 1 of course, There can be trial and error. For instance, Thomas (my business partner) and myself, have both rushed into college, for electronic engineering, and about a year in, we realized it's not what we wanted. There are only certain things we are able to focus on, things which we have to have an interest in, and right now, that is helping men succeed in today's world. 

All of the things we do not care about…..they cannot possibly be a fulfilling purpose. We have got to care about something and focus our energy on it if we want genuine happiness.


Some of the most successful people go through failure after failure. Even I have had failed businesses, like the last one that got taken out from covid supply chain disruptions…. But if you think you have found your purpose, do not give up on it, keep going, be persistent and enjoy the journey. Your purpose can always change, and you may end up doing something you didn't initially expect, but can still find fulfilling. It was a result of covid destroying my business and losing all my motivation, but then making a comeback that made me realize, I need to help others, because let's face it, men need a lot of resilience to succeed in todays world.

Most importantly do not let others tell you what you can or cannot do, do not let them talk you out of your purpose. We must have courage, and we can succeed at anything we put our mind to.  Every setback is a setup for a greater comeback. A key philosophy of mine.

2. Stay Busy: An Idle Mind is the Devil's Workshop

An idle mind can be a breeding ground for negativity and inertia, pulling you back to where you started. The key is to keep yourself engaged and constantly working towards something meaningful.

3. Chill out: 

Don't take life too seriously all the time though. Be lighthearted and chilled out. Don't be that person who is easily worked up, stressed, triggered, or offended. Accept criticism as self-examination to see how much is justified. This is especially important for youth to remember. When you feel stressed, you don't need to respond the same way to that stimulus, you can choose your response. Give everything your best shot, be as virtuous as possible, but don't take setbacks personally, and remember to feed your mind with positivity rather than negativity.


Following this guide and our dopamine maximization course will help you to Unleash your Vigor and Conquer your limits,

-Brenden Henry

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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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