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the end of men

Is It Over For Men?

April 23, 20244 min read

Is it over for men?

What happens if men's fertility and sexual functioning continue on their current trajectory, plummeting to near 0, while the possibility of creating egg and sperm cells from skin cells becomes a reality?

It marks the decline of men having kids in the traditional way.

How kids may be grown in a lab

Researchers are currently exploring transforming Human skin cells into induced pluripotent stem cells through a reprogramming process. Then these cells could be induced into human primordial germ cell like cells through a differentiation process. This can lead to egg/sperm cells being created from harvested skin cells ¹. And the full process has already been done in mice ².

If this succeeds with humans it would mean that in vitro fertilization, which is where an embryo is grown in a lab setting, would be possible with a couples DNA even they are infertile. Imagine having your child grown in a lab!

Perhaps even more disturbing if this comes to light is that a single person, whether male or female, would be able to have skin cells harvested and turned into both an egg and a sperm cell, and become both the father and the mother.

I'm not sure about you, but if I had a girlfriend (or wife) and wanted to have a child, I'd prefer to do so the old fashioned way. But the data indicates that men are not doing okay. Men's testosterone levels ³ , sperm counts , and erections are declining. Men are well on their way to losing their reproductive capacity entirely.

The TRT problem

Most men don't want to consider TRT according to a recent poll.

men dont want trt

But there are men who come to me all of the time asking if they should take TRT based on their blood work showing low testosterone levels and them feeling bad. It's not that they WANT IT. Its that they have nearly given up on the natural route after trying mainstream approaches that either had side effects or were not effective.

But TRT also devastates sperm counts.

It suppresses sperm production to levels akin to castration. In fact, most men on TRT cannot conceive a child, even if they tried...

Unless they resort to additional drugs like HCG injects for a temporary boost or they turn to toxic drugs like Clomid or Enclomiphene.

We were warned about the end of men's reproductive capacity.

Orwell in his dystopian masterpiece “1984” warned of a future where men's ability to have children is monitored and controlled.

Russell theorized that the sex instinct might fade in conditions where people are consumed by mundane or trivial pursuits.

Huxley, in 'Brave New World,' envisioned a future where intimacy is severed from emotions.

All of these warnings have 1 thing in common. Men's sexual functioning being controlled or diminished, which is currently happening. In fact, the average couple that is capable of having sex, reports having to have sex 104 times just to conceive in one survey.

104 times to get pregnant

A testament to the declining fertility of men. And if creating sperm from skin cells is something that becomes a reality in the future, and men can't perform, women may have no choice but to have their kids grown in a lab.

It is scary to think about, especially because the implications to the child later on in life would be largely unknown at first.

So, what can we do to ensure future generations aren't lab grown?

As someone who has worked on the frontline of medical technology, particularly in the realm of keeping patients breathing steadily on ventilators in hospitals during my time at Philips, I understand the need for a lifesaving system.

We need a holistic approach that prioritizes male health. Not something we can use for short-term gain only, but a solution that will continue to benefit us throughout our lives.

We don’t have time to waste on "experimenting," as one male health influencer suggested.

We don’t have time for ineffective or risky solutions.

We need only the most effective and safe options and we need them yesterday.

Solutions that work now and in the long term.

Solutions that will be continuously updated to keep pace with the latest scientific advancements.

Unyielding Vigor is here to revolutionize male health standards.

For the only courses you will ever need:

Unleash your vigor and conquer your limits!

Brenden Henry

Is it over for men?
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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