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You NEED Pressure

The Deer's Determination: A Lesson In Hormone Optimization

February 26, 20243 min read

The Deer's Determination: A Lesson in Hormonal Optimization

In the wild, the white-tailed deer enters a season of rut, a period of intense mating competition. During this time, the bucks engage in fierce battles, relentlessly pursuing the goal of impregnating as many does as possible. Their testosterone levels skyrocket despite facing malnourishment and exhaustion. It is the raw determination fueled by an innate need to ensure the survival of their bloodline.

But just as the deer's testosterone peaks during rut for its life-defining goal, our own pursuit of goals can both be influenced by and influence our hormonal levels.

Competition and Testosterone

During periods of competition or the pursuit of goals, our testosterone levels peak, driven by the sheer desire to achieve. And this pursuit of goals and pursuit of winning, elevates our testosterone levels, with victory providing an even greater boost¹. This is how prison inmates are able to build decent amounts of lean muscle, despite poor nutrition, poor living spaces, and poor sleeping conditions. Just as the deer need the testosterone to rut- the prisoner needs testosterone to help fight against any potential threats, as their survival depends on it. In a study observing a chess tournament, one player experienced a free testosterone increase of 700% ², as shown in the diagram below.


Now, on the flip side, if you are pursuing something you are not passionate about, or something that is causing you chronic levels of stress, which is often correlated with something you hate, it can cause depression and anxiety and this can certainly lower testosterone levels. But the impact is two-fold, since during periods of lower testosterone, the drive also wanes and goals become more daunting.

This is why it's crucial to pursue something you are passionate about. And to help give you that edge, is where hormonal optimization steps in. If you're not feeling like you have what it takes to find your niche, embrace pressure, and dominate your journey, it could be a hormonal imbalance. Optimizing your hormones, much like the deer's peak during rut, can be the key to unlocking your inner drive and determination to reach the goals that are important to you.

Pressure and Testosterone

Now, speaking directly to you, my friend, the need for pressure in your life is undeniable but the burden of modern stressors might not be the kind of pressure that forges your masculine essence. But pressure in the pursuit of what your soul truly calls for? That's where the magic happens. Stress and pressure are not the same; stress is the NEGATIVE response to pressure. And if the pressure is for a positive pursuit, you can more easily take control of the mind and generate a positive response.

Since Unyielding Vigor was my first business venture, I had to undergo a lot of pressure. However, due to the fact it was for a purpose that I truly desired, the pressure fueled me rather than breaking me. This led me to building more resilience.

So, let's bring it back to your life. Imagine pursuing your true passion, not just for the boost in testosterone from high-pressure environments, but also for that adrenaline rush that sparks vigor. The rewards that come with the risks are often greater, echoing the deer's pursuit to ensure its bloodline's survival.


At Unyielding Vigor, we provide you with all of the tools needed to become a warrior and champion in your life, so you are ready for any level of pressure. Feel free to check out our Testosterone Maximization course, which covers every other factor you need to dial in for your vigor to shine through. Through implementing everything we provide, you will reach levels you would never have imagined yourself reaching. 

Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits,

Thomas Muldoon

the deers determination a lesson in hormone optimizationcompetition and testosteronepressure and testosterone
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Thomas Muldoon

Since I was a kid, my own personal battles with anxiety and brain fog led me down a rabbit hole of self-improvement. I became obsessed with optimizing my mind, my looks and my masculinity, always looking to get an edge. Today, after meeting thousands of different people across the world and helping hundreds of men better themselves with my advice, I can safely say I’ve got more knowledge in the area of male health optimization than the vast majority of humans on planet Earth. And now, with Unyielding Vigor, I know NOW is the time to begin officially sharing it.

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