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the seed oil scandal

The Seed Oil Scandal

February 24, 20246 min read

The Seed Oil Scandal

Not a day goes by without encountering someone in the mainstream pushing a toxic narrative. Today, I'm here to expose one of the biggest myths and guide you on safeguarding your health and testosterone levels.

Throughout my journey in health and male hormone optimization, I've encountered many conflicting narratives. Discerning the truth isn't always easy unless you know what to look for. Luckily, I bring a unique perspective to the table due to my background working as an engineer for Phillips, one of the world's largest medical companies. There, I contributed to building lifesaving medical devices like ventilators, where attention to detail was critical.

And as a health obsessed former engineer with OCD, I've delved deeper into this topic than most people ever could to uncover the truth about seed oils. And these discoveries will allow you to better take care of your health.

Perhaps one of the worst myths perpetuated by the mainstream healthcare system is the narrative demonizing saturated fats and red meat, while simultaneously promoting seed oils.

Somehow, these seed oil companies, through their cohorts, have successfully convinced us and our families, using millions of dollars in marketing, that this processed PUFA-rich liquid is much healthier than the unprocessed or less processed fats we've been consuming successfully for a long time.

I know this is a sensitive topic, but stay with me here because what I am going to show are a few of the largest studies ever conducted.

The American Heart Association is at the forefront of this atrocity

The AHA has been corrupted and taken over by the seed oil industrial complex. In the 1960s, there was a radio campaign with a lottery system where the winner won a prize from Procter and Gamble, a seed oil company. The AHA happened to win this lottery and were pumped with $19M, and you are supposed to believe there is no incentive whatsoever? Since then, every piece of propaganda pushed has been in favor of seed oils.¹

What makes seed oils so harmful?

You obviously can’t squeeze a seed to obtain liquid, like you can with an olive, thus the process is very deep. 

The corporations gather the seeds they want to make an oil out of, such as GMO soy, cotton and rapeseed, all of which are high in Polyunsaturated fatty acids, like linoleic acid.

Then they use a process known as “chemical degumming” in which chemicals and high temperatures are used that not only oxidize the oil but also result in trace amounts of these chemicals lingering in the oils.

But the real problem is with the polyunsaturated fats (PUFAS).

The oxidative damage to lipids, and the saturation of fatty acids is determined by the number of double carbon bonds, of which PUFAS (linoleic acid) have 3, MUFAS (oleic) has 1, and stearic acid sat fat has 0. 

This makes saturated fats like stearic acid the most stable and least susceptible to lipid peroxidation and oxidation.

This has led to the "oxidized linoleic acid hypothesis" which showcases that when LDL oxidizes, APOB becomes covalently bonded, and since LDL is then not recognized by the liver, it can only be broken down by macrophages, thus explaining the lowered antioxidants, higher inflammation, and atherosclerosis with high linoleic acid long term ¹⁵.

This makes complete sense when we check in vivo studies that measure lipid peroxidation in blood and liver after consumption of various oils
² we can see that corn oil, the highest in PUFA, specifically linoleic acid, resulted in the highest MDA levels and reduction in antioxidants Superoxide dismutase and glutathione. 

And oils which have the highest RATIO of the omega 6 fatty acid, linoleic acid, such as seed oils, can lead to insulin resistance and obesity through their ability to esterify to 2AG and AEA. ¹⁴ ¹⁵ 

And PUFAs like corn oil are also shown to lower testosterone levels in one study.

*Full diagram in testosterone maximization course supplements module.

But there is a lot of evidence out there that supports seed oils for our health. So what I did was check the 3 largest well controlled studies ever conducted in humans comparing PUFAS to saturated fats.

One was 6 years. One was 4 years. And one was 2 years.

I believe its important to look at studies that are at least 2 years long because linoleic acid has a half life of 2 years and can accumulate in adipose tissue ¹⁵ .

Seed oils Largest human studies

First, we have the Sydney coronary experiment which was 6 years long. It showed that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats (like what are found in seed oils) increase coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease¹³ which is not good for erectile health.

This is despite cholesterol levels being lower in the PUFA group.

Next,the Minnesota Coronary Experiment ran for 4 years with two groups of elderly patients in personal care homes. They were fed either a diet rich in saturated fats or PUFA’s. The results showed that there was an increase in mortality in the PUFA group, despite them having lower cholesterol levels. So it came to the same conclusion as the Sydney coronary experiment.


Finally, we have a 2 year study in moderate hypercholesterolemia patients that supplemented Linoleic acid rich margarine vs ALA rich margarine, on top of an overall LA rich diet.

The findings showed that those who consumed the ALA rich margarine had a lower CRP level, indicating much lower inflammation which is associated with a reduced cardiovascular disease risk ¹⁶.

So the 3 largest studies show that linoleic acid, a PUFA which is high in seed oils is bad.

Fats for Testosterone optimization

We should emphasize saturated fats, preferably those higher in stearic acid found in grass-fed meat and dairy. Additionally, incorporating monounsaturated fats, such as those present in extra virgin olive oil or avocado, is beneficial. For more information, you can check out

'The Missing Link: The Ultimate Nutrition System for Peak Male Health'

which outlines specific foods for optimal health and testosterone production. If you're looking for a more comprehensive solution, our 'Testosterone Maximization Course' includes an entire module dedicated to the specific healthy fats you should consume.

Future predictions

And have you heard of government plans to censor information? 

A lot of our discoveries are ones that Big Pharma and other rich companies pay for you to never see.

In fact, they are making attempts to censor the cutting edge information and discoveries we have made. 

Which is why I have had to resort to my sources in global medical journals to find some of the information that I want to share with you.

For example, the cutting edge information we have put into our courses.

As of 2016, Forbes reports that Big Pharma spends $6 billion in direct to consumer advertising…

But that number has been increasing in modern years…

And as the wealthiest corporation in the world, It is easy for them to control Google, the FDA, and the government.

And now their goal is to control the information you have access to by utilizing government AI censorship methods. So that instead of being able to take control of your own health, you get sucked into Big Pharma’s medical rathole. Taking one treatment after another, getting side effect after side effect…

Getting lost down the medical rathole where you get sicker and sicker, and lose your ability to be romantic with a woman. That’s not  what I want for you or for any man. So take action while you still can to arm yourself with the knowledge needed to thrive before censorship leads to us being unable to get the message out.

Unleash Your Vigor and Conquer Your Limits!

-Brenden Henry

seed oil scandalwhats makes seed oils so harmful
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brenden henry

From biomedical engineer to biohacking pioneer. Over the last few years Brenden Henry has become the world's leading expert on peptide science [His pinealon post is the most scientifically supported on the internet with over 100 citations, he's routinely corrected other 'experts' mistakes, discovered exclusive information through his conversation with the authors of research papers, and has the most scientifically supported peptide course on the internet with over 300 citations].

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(Created and proven with the results of 107 scientific studies)

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